Former Council Bluffs Superintendents Raj Chopra (left) and William Lepley (center) share a joke with current Superintendent Richard Christie at a rally at the Best Western Frontier Motor Lodge Thursday morning. "The Positive Leadership Rally,…
A proposal before the Metropolitan Planning Agency would add $75,000 in improvements to the Carter Lake water system to service Owen Parkway West, a business office complex in the southern part of the city. The improvements would also open the area…
Getting Them Rolling Again...was the concern of the first work crews reporting back to the Chicago and North Western Railway Saturday. Inspecting locomotives idled for the last 30 days in the Council Bluffs yards were the Division General Foreman…
Calling a 911 dispatcher . . . from a corridor at Mercy Hospital are emergency medical technicians Robert McKeighan and Stanley Miller. --Nonpareil Photo.
Being Returned . . . to their rightful place on the fireplace mantle in the dining room of the Dodge House are candle holders, once part of the original decor at the Dodge family residence. Colleen Juhl, Dodge House director, places the crystal…
Black Line Traces...approximate relocation route of Highway 6 over Canning Hill. Present Highways 6 and 64 meet at the intersection of Pierce and Canning streets. At the right of the proposed route, from top to bottom are: Wilcox greenhouse,…
Freight office, left...rebuilt by north Western Railroad in 1953 is now the Railway Inn, a tavern at Eleventh Street and First Avenue. The old passenger depot, right, was torn down shortly after the freight office as completed.
Freight Office, left...rebuilt by the North Western Railroad in 1953 is now the Railway Inn, a tavern at Eleventh Street and First Avenue. The old passenger depot, right, was torn down shortly after the freight office was completed.