Dr. C.V. Edwards Sr., 420 Oakland Ave., Sunday was elected president of Iowa Medical Service, Blue Shield insurance group. He succeeds Dr. Charles P. Hawkins of Clarion.
Council Bluffs On Own Power . . . as switches are thrown by District Manager Vern Beats, above, and Distribution Supt. Claude Dilley at the Iowa Power & Light Co. sub-station on North Fifteenth St. Friday night.
This three-bedroom frame house at 3141 Ave. H, is included on a list of holdings the federal government is selling to finance the nationwide savings and loan bailout. Price of the home was not listed. The 25,908 properties on the listing range from…
Opening The Council Bluffs Exhibit . . . at the National Industrial Development Exposition are George R. Wimmer and Arnold C. Christensen. The large arrow points to the Bluffs Industrial Foundation site.
Suspects [sic] Car: Sgt. C.E. Moore examines car Ronald Wayne Brewer used to get away from police after the fatal shooting of Lawrence Ray in Council Bluffs Tuesday night. The entire rear window was shattered by officers' bullets. Two of the slugs…
This Civil War Cannon . . . is now a silent guardian for soldiers buried at Fairview Cemetery. The gun is part of the Kinsman Monument erected following the Civil War in honor of Col. W.H. Kinsman, a Council Bluffs schoolteacher, killed in the war.…
Council Bluffs native Rhonda Lake says her experiences in theater as a child and an association with the Emmy Gifford Children's Theater has fanned an interest in teaching other children to act.