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Audubon Beeves Fatten Market
Banker A.A. Kruse of Audubon comes face-to-face with a miniature replica of the giant bull statue in Audubon, named Albert after the founder of the T-Bone promotion.
Auditorium, Civic (Civic Center)
Auditorium, Civic (Civic Center)
Tags: Auditorium, Auditorium Civic, Civic Center
Auditorium Nearly Gone
The old city auditorium is about demolished. Acting Urban Renewal Director Dale Bonar said he would like to have it "all on the ground" before the wreckers take off for the Labor Day weekend. Councilman Dan Franksen said he would like to see a new…
Tags: Auditorium, Auditorium (Old City)
Auditorium (Old City)
Auditorium (Old City)
Tags: Auditorium, Auditorium (Old City)
Auditorium (Old City)
Moose Lodge Leases City Auditorium . . . plan addition of large kitchen on Indian Creek side.
Tags: Auditorium, Auditorium (Old City)
Auction Barn Goes Modern - New Dunlap Facility
A Large Crowd . . . fills the new Dunlap Livestock Auction complex as Jim Schaben calls at a cattle sale. Spectators now have individual seats; information regarding cattle weights, numbers and prices is flashed on electronic "scoreboards"; and…
Attorney Hopefuls Answer Questions
Frederick J. Kraschel
Attitude boosts Miss SWI
Playing The Piano...relaxes Sherri Bowman, but it also helped her win the Miss Southwest Iowa crown. She's already starting to plan for the piano solo she'll play in the Miss Iowa pageant next year.
Tags: Miss Southwest Iowa, pageants, Sherri Bowman
Atomic Age Is Roaring Reality
Massive Generators...near the top of the Cooper Nuclear Power Station roar into action as the nuclear reactor super-heats the water, causing it to become steam and turning the generators.
Atomic Age Is Roaring Reality
The Nuclear Power Station At Brownville, currently providing about half the electricity being used by Iowa Power and Light Co. The plant was producing about 600,000 of its capacity 778,000 kilowatts Monday.
Atlantic, IA
Atlantic, IA
Tags: Atlantic IA, Atlantic Iowa
Atlantic, IA
Standing Guard Again . . . over the Cass County Soldiers Monument in Atlantic are statues of Civil War and Spanish-American War soldiers. The statues were restored after being subjected to five years of vandalism.
Tags: Atlantic IA, Atlantic Iowa
Atlantic, IA
This is the Steeple: Only the steeple remains of the First Congregational Church at Atlantic which is being torn down to make way for a parking lot. The church was erected more than 75 years ago.
Tags: Atlantic IA, Atlantic Iowa
At The White House:
President Kennedy has launched a series of afternoon get-togethers at the White House for members of Congress. Here is a group which met recently, including, left to right, Rep. George Andrews (D-Alabama); Rep. Ben F. Jensen of Exira (R-Iowa);…
At The Retreat Discussion
Checking an alternative to the widening of Washington Avenue just prior to a meeting during the Chamber of Commerce retreat in Kansas City, Saturday are Tom Whitson, president of the chamber and City Manager Don Harmon.
At The Bertrand Meeting
At The Bertrand Meeting...were (front) Wayne Chord, George Fischer, Sen. Tom Frey, Sen. James Griffin, Jackson Moore, Phil Morgan, (back) Rep. William Darrington, Newell Bowers, Mayor Protem [sic] of Missouri Valley, Vern Henrich, Missouri Valley…
At The Age Of 11 - Several Times A Pioneer -KOIL's Kandid Kamera
Studio On The Hilltop . . . Perched high on the top of a hill in Council Bluffs stands the original studio of KOIL. When this studio was built, 11 years ago, it was the only radio station in the United States to occupy a building of its own. KOIL…
Tags: Council Bluffs, KOIL Radio
Railroad service for visitors at the new Iowa Power & Light Co.'s Council Bluffs Power Station was provided by this Burlington VistaDome car and Ipalco's own diesel locomotive. Here the train is backing into the plant, with boiler sections rising in…