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Coming down the stairs is Gerald L. Way, who has a room on the second floor of the Goodrich. Way said he likes the building.

Goodrich owner Bob Knox rides from one floor to the next in the building's elevator, built in 1924 by Kimball Bros. Co.

Paul and Jackie Richard have lived in the Goodrich for four weeks. They watch a lot of TV. "If you didn't have a TV or radio or something you'd go crazy," Paul said.

Wooden floors in the third-floor hallway are clean. Desk clerk Jim Bedsaul walks from the fire exit on the northwest side of the building. Sunlight silhouettes his form.

Taking A Break...on Texas after painting the United States on the Bloomer School playground are Jesse Fitch, Bloomer curriculum consultant, and his sone, Mark. The 26 by 47 foot map will be used next fall to help teach children about the nation.

Out of the starting gate come two-hard-running ostriches, "drive" by Don Greever of Hancock and Ernest Wede of Minden. The race was one of the features at the Thursday night show at the Pottawattamie County Fair at Avoca. Also in the first heat was…

New offices of Griffin Pipe Products Company at 2601 Ninth Ave., are nearing completion and will give the company two and a half times more space. The new building enlargement is due to added expansion in the past two years and also to improve…

With the steel structure completed and the masonry work under way, workmen continue construction on what is to be the Hilt Truck Line Co. from Lincoln. The building is being built on South 35th Street. The general contractor is Dale Steufer.

Things Have Changed...since large brick home [of George A. Keeline ] was torn down. Now standing on the site is the home of City Building Inspector Oscar Biesendorfer. The tree has grown.

WWI T457.tif
Postcard of the Dodge Light Guards arriving in Brownsville, Texas.

Jan and Dennis Stamp pose in front of The Library, their newly-opened restaurant in Harlan. Built in 1929, the building closed as the city's public library in 1983.

A mercy convoy...of officers and ambulance stops at Green Hill as sheriffs deputies confer with Highway Patrolman A. W. Kellar about a reported traffic crash.

A Mercy Convoy...of officers and ambulance stops at Green Hill as sheriffs deputies confer with Highway Patrolman A.W. Kellar about a reported traffic crash.

Jack Frost's first playful visit to hilly Fairmount Park has turned summer's greenery into brilliant autumn colors. The new background of red and yellow adds a festive touch to the flowers that haven't yet been frozen (foreground). Flower beds are…

Woodrow Wilson Junior High School. Twenty-first Street and Avenue H, resembles a neat arrangement of toy building blocks from the air. Hopes at upper left are part of the Phoenix development. At upper right, a string of railroad freight cars is…

The "new school era" is aptly represented by the impressive facilities of Lewis Central. Buildings and grounds are detailed by the aerial camera from a point near Iowa School for the Deaf. Highway 375 extends from left to right across the photo. A…

There are plenty of off-street parking lots here, this aerial photo of the downtown area reveals. It looks southwest. The wide street is Broadway. At the left foreground is the back view of Broadway Methodist Church. Bayliss Square is near the…

One of the major industries of Council Bluffs--railroading--is evident in this aerial photo. In the foreground is the Burlington roundhouse and yards. Above the yards is Sixteenth Avenue. Main Street is on the right. The track that runs at an…

A fast growing corner of northeast Council Bluffs is running from the bottom of the picture to the two-pronged angle of De Long and Grand Avenues at upper left. North Broadway appears in the distance at the upper right hand corner. Streets running…

Roberts Park supplies a neat centerpiece for this aerial view of north-central Council Bluffs. Twenty-sixth Street forms the bottom border. Looking east, the Army Reserve Center is just beyond the park. Woodrow Wilson Junior High School is at…
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