Browse Items (8067 total)

Carter Lake, Iowa
(Iowa community on Nebraska side of River)
File #[?]
to 10/30/1979

Crumbling streets due to flooding
April 1952

Carter Lake #3
includes riverboat proposals & casino

Channeled Into Their Proper the grader, the apples are next carefully packed in labeled boxes for storage. After Mrs. Truman Chambers of Malvern has deftly packed them, the cases are moved into the mommouth[sic] storage cave where…

Carter Orchard
near Glenwood

A collection of photographs of the Midlands Mall (Old Mall) in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Includes photos of demolition, design, construction, ribbon cutting, and use.

Cash, Johnny & wife June Carter Cash
Country Singer

Catholic Church--General

Celebration of Life Choir
formerly: C.B. Community Chorus

Flood control supplies line the streets around Bayliss Park

Centre Point Mall
Name changed to Centre Point 5/10/88
Prior history, see: Midlands Mall

Chadwick, Charles N.,
Elkhorn, Nebraska
Accused of murder of Kate and Stanley Fisher 9/16/81
Hrbek, John Lee #2--also accused

Chalet Motor Lodge & Lounge
1530 Ave. G
Torn down about 2008-09
Lakin owns it

History Revisited: From out of the past come these scenes of the epic struggle that saved Council Bluffs from the rampaging Missour River 10 years ago this spring. Typical of those stirring times was this bit of drama on the levee near Playland Park.…

Chamber of Commerce CB
up to and thru 1988
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