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Tags: Boystown, Father Flanagan, Glenwood
Tags: Braddyville, tornado
Tags: Brethren Church, Churches, Peace Church of the Brethren
Tags: East Hills Lutheran Retirement Center, East Hills Lutheran Retirement Community
Tags: Dr. Charles V Edwards Sr, Dr. CV Edwards, Sr. Mrs. CV Edwards
Tags: IWCC Bond Issue, Lewis Central School Board, School Board Election, School Elections
Tags: 1986 National Elections, Elections, National Elections
Tags: 1988, Elections, National Elections
Tags: 1990, Elections, SWI Elections
Tags: Elections, SWI Elections
Tags: Elections, Iowa Elections, State Elections
Tags: Elections, General Elections
Tags: 1984, Elections, National Elections
Tags: Elks Country Club, Elks Country Club & Golf Course, Elks Golf Course, Lakeshore Country Club
Tags: Elliott IA, Elliott Iowa
Tags: L Harmon Tucker, Ralph Cannon, Walter Ellis, Walter G. Ellis
Tags: Dutch Elm Disease, Elm Disease
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