The Bumpy Road At Big one of the areas scheduled for paving this summer under the city's schedule. here the sign introducing picnickers and fishermen to the area guards the meandering road that disappears over the levee in the distance. …
A souvenir of the trans-Mississippi and International Exposition published by John C. Small. Includes photographs and descriptions of Council Bluffs' buildings and landmarks.
A steady flow of curious Council Bluffs citizens circulated through the sparkling new First Federal Savings and Loan Association building during the first day of its open house Saturday. President Einer Juel was on hand to show people one of his new…
This was the main dormitory and administration building of the Iowa School for the Deaf as it looked in 1887. In 1902, the building burned. Note the wagon trail across the foreground and the row of trees. The lawn was more like a pasture.