In most cases, the people who pass through these doors are smaller than the numerals. This is the entrance to two classrooms, the second and third grades, at one of the city's newest schools. Can you identify it?
This metal plaque was erected in 1952 to mark one of the most important accomplishments in the life of the community. It was designed by the late Frank Jensen, manager of the Water Works. The design features two dolphins entwined around a trident, a…
This locomotive, "old 58", is of the type in use on the Union Pacific at the time of the driving of the golden spike. This engine is now traveling across country and being shown in conjunction with the railroad's latest type locomotives, picture of…
Cross-Over Tracks...lead down to the bowl of the Union Pacific Railroad Co.'s 'Bailey Yard' west of North Platte, Neb. The $12.5 million facility was dedicated Friday.
Cars Tied strike at the Council Bluffs yards of Union Pacific total about 1,200. Some are shown here, looking west from the U.P. yard tower. -Nonpareil Photo.
This new viaduct, more than 400 feet long, in the Union Pacific yards, was recently completed for the safety and convenience of employes [sic], who formerly were forced to go a roundabout way to their place of employment in the yards. Cost of…
Greasing Big Drives...on old "823" for its last run is Machinist Robert Swanger of Honey Creek. Drive wheels on the steam engines are six feet in diameter.
Detour Routes...will be constructed on either side of the Union Pacific's tracks at this location to allow train passage while Iowa Highway Commission contractors build an underpass for Interstate 29--from the top down!--Nonpareil Photo.
New Diesel Engine House...whose site is roughly shown here is part of a $2,500,000 improvement project for the Union Pacific Railroad yards in Council Bluffs. Access tracks to the new engine house will necessitate relocation of the stock yards, lower…
The Union Pacific Railroad yards at Seventeenth Street and Fourteenth Avenue are a bit more glamorous. Trees have been planted along the tracks and all the light poles have been painted a light green. There also are flower pots hanging from each of…
Going Down...the heavy span with supporting legs partially cut through folded like a pair of scissors and landed with a thud on the well-placed timbers for a cushion. The bridge cleared the rail tracks by inches.
"Three-Level" new diesel shop enables workmen to service all parts of a unit at one time. Railroad employes [sic] are shown here taking advantage of the new idea in shop construction.
To handle the increasing volume of piggy-back freight, Union Pacific Railroad has opened an intermodal freight terminal in Omaha, according to W. J. Fox, UP vice president of operations. The terminal, located on the old Union Station passenger yard,…
Over the Union Pacific bridge, pictured in the foreground above, passes the nation's transcontinental traffic. The bridge carries the passenger trains and most of the freight trains of all railroads between Council Bluffs and Omaha. In the background…
The fine bronze buffalo head which looks down from the east portal as all trains pass over the Union Pacific railroad bridge here.--Nonpareil Engraving.
A new 36-car, coast-to-coast mail train departed 10 minutes early as it passed westward through Council Bluffs Saturday night. The train was to leave here at 7:15 but pulled out at 7:05. The train stopped at the former mail terminal on South…
This handsome plaque is fastened to the brick wall near the doorway of one of the newer buildings in Council Bluffs. Several hundred persons pass it daily during their regular business trips to the building. Can you identify the location?