Browse Items (8053 total)

photo of people at a reception or during intermission, presumably at Chanticleer production; ca 1980

photo of people at a reception or during intermission of a Chanticleer production

phot of people at reception or during intermission of a Chanticleer production

photo of 4 people, all looking at an open file folder held by a woman; floor plan on wall behind them.

photo of people at reception or during intermission of Chanticleer production

photo of people at reception or during intermission of Chanticleer production

photo of people at reception or during intermission of Chanticleer production

photo of people at reception or during intermission of Chanticleer production

photo of people at reception or during intermission of Chanticleer production

photo of people standing on the outdoor porch/entry of the Chanticleer Theater, at night, for ribbon cutting

"The Star Spangled Girl"...lectures two pursuers in a rehearsal for the play at Chanticleer Community Theater. Ann Lincoln-Wattles stars as Sophie, and Bryan Schmoldt and Don Jensen portray the publishers of a "protest" magazine. Photo courtesy of…

To be single or not to be single--that is the question which confronts Robert, a bachelor, in "Company," a musical comedy, which opens Friday at the Chanticleer Community Theater.
Directed by Lowell Thomsen, the show involves a bachelor and his…

Chanticleer Theater File #3 9/2/77-
830 Franklin Ave.

Housing Authority Members . . . are, standing, Jack Conley, Harold Finkel and William Knox. Seated are Leland Lykke and Mrs. Marie Schultz. The group will be in charge of housing for the elderly.
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