Browse Items (8024 total)

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Around the turn of the century, this is how the Fifth Avenue Methodist Church looked at the corner of Eighteenth St. and Fifth Avenue. The church was originally built in 1889 on a site fronted with a dirt street, and a…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Taken from a postcard, dated 1908, this scene looks north on Pearl Street. At left is the Free Public Library. At right is the old Merriam block. Beno's store is in the distant center and a streetcar is midway up the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The Kursal at Lake Manawa in 1904 was a popular spot about the turn of the century. it was reached only by boat on the south shore of the lake, and it offered bathing, eating and entertainment. About 1907 there was a…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Built around 1850, this was the first meeting place of Council Bluffs Lodge 49 of the Oddfellows. It was on the southeast corner of Stutsman and Pierce Streets. The date of the photo is not known, but it is from the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Just 20 years ago, when this photo was taken, the Quaker Baking Co. was operating at Scott and Mynster Streets. At that time the bakery was an old establishment in Council Bluffs--and the building an oldtimer, too. In…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is how the 100 block on West Broadway looked in 1935. At left is the old No. 4 fire barn. Center buildings are garages. At right is a used car lot.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Just 26 years ago this month Pearl Street, along the east side of Bayliss Park, looked like this following a storm that brought wind, hail, and rain. Broken branches littered the street, while hail whitened the ground.…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back 36 years ago, the row boat dock at Lake Manawa looked like this. The amusement park was in full swing on the north shore of the lake, which was a prominent recreation center for Southwest Iowa. This picture is…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--A 1912 post card rom the collection of Art Rogers, 130 Park Ave., shows the entrance and pavilion at Fairmount Park. Easy access to the park at that time was by open streetcar, shown at left. Flower planters, brick…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Streetcars played an important role in everyday life here when this photo of Broadway--looking west from the Masonic Temple--was taken in 1908. There are three trams in the photo. The only other visible means of…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 10--, when this picture was taken, Lake Manawa contained plenty of water. original quarters of the Fish and Game Club were on the top floor of this building. The first floor contained a saloon and gambling…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Following World War I, when the business section was decorated for the return of Unit K, the Liberty Theater and adjoining buildings on Broadway between Scott and Sixth Streets looked like this. Admissions to the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--About 1892 the Omaha and Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge Co. barns at Twenty-eighth St. and Avenue A, were little more than a shelter constructed of corrugated metal over a wood frame. This old photo comes from A.J.…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1912 when automobiles were still somewhat of a hobby instead of a necessity, this garage at 45 N. Main St. was being operated by John A. Franks. Next door was the machine shop run by Fred Duerr, with the tower of…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Near the end of the 1800's, this picture was taken on Main Street, looking south from First Avenue. The occasion was the parade of the Gentry Dog and Pany Show. posters noted the price at 15 and 25 cents. At top left…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--About the turn of the century, 615 and 617 S. Main St. looked this way. the buildings housed the William Welch coal and wood yard, left, and the Brown and Wesner drug store. Rough paving covered Main Street, , as…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Kimball Bros. Elevator Works at Ninth St. and Eleventh Ave., appeared like this in 1897, according to an illustration in The Trans-Mississippian publication. The business moved to Council Bluffs from Anamosa in 1892,…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--From a high cliff above Pierce Street, this is how Council Bluffs looked in 1897. At center is the Masonic Temple. To its right is the Oddfellows building and at extreme right is the steeple of St. Peter's Church. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1898, The Council Bluffs High School Cadets were a crack drill team. They are lined up for a picture on Willow Avenue, just west of Pearl St. This old photograph comes from Ed Welch of 331N. [sic] 7th St.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The Conrad Geise and Son's Brewery occupied some 20 acres between Frank and Oak Streets on Broadway when this picture was taken in 1898. From a Trans-Mississippi Exposition booklet on Council Bluffs, the picture…
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