Police officer sitting on picnic table, with his police dog. On reverse of photo:
Council Bluffs Police Dept.
Police Patrolman
Greg Becker
and Dux"
Stamped date: ENTERED JUL 8 1992
Police cruiser with front end smashed following accident. Written in margin of photo: 33rd & W. Bdwy 3-2-85
N.P. by M.M.
[Article about accident in Daily Nonpareil, "Injured man listed in satisfactory condition," March 4, 1984, p.8. Article does…
Photo of Chevette with right front end smashed; night scene. Written on margin of photo: "Accident 33 & W. Bdwy 3-2-85
N.P. by M.
[Article about accident appears in the Nonpareil, "Injured man listed in satisfactory condition," March 4, 1985, p.…