Photographic reproduction shows an etching of Broadway street in Council Bluffs (Iowa) as it looked in 1851; features street, wagon traffic, cattle, and signs: "U. S. Land Office," "Council Bluffs Bugle," and "Outfitting Goods."
Most Of The Exposed Deck...of the old steamboat being unearthed at De Soto Bend is covered with plastic. Part of the boat's engineworks are in foreground. Hole is where cargo is being sought.
Arrows indicate an edge of the port side, at left, and one rudder post of a river boat which has been buried under sand in the Missouri River bottom area for close to 100 years. The excavation is in the De Soto Bend wildlife refuge and is by Jesse…
Pumping the main operation now in the search for treasure aboard the sunken Bertrand. Watching pipe lifted out of deep hole is Sam Corbin, one of the two treasure hunters.
The river boat Bertrand lies covered with seven feet of water as constant pumping operations drain the pool. Wayne Chord, public use specialist for the DeSoto Bend wildlife refuge said the water should be down in two weeks so workers can begin…
Bottles Of Stomach Bitters...distributed from Pittsburgh, Pa., are brought out of the riverboat by Harry Sorensen, owner of his construction firm, and one of his workmen.
Rustless Hook---used by riverboat crews to move heavy freight appeared out of the hold of the ship. Kerrmit Dybsetter inspects the 16-pound, hand-forged find.
Digging For The Stern...of the riverboat is some of the equipment at the excavation site at the De Soto National Wildlife Refuge after the bow section (arrow shows location) was uncovered Thursday.
The Front Section...of either the Bertrand or Cora is shown at bottom of digging site. A section of hull, at left, curves around old tree stump and boarded portion appears to be part of a deck containing a hatch (where small chain is located).