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Bethany Presbyterian Church
Bethany Presbysterian Church
1900 S. 7th St.
1900 S. 7th St.
Bethany marks 75th birthday
Discussing memorabilia...of Bethany United Presbyterian Church's past 75 years are Jack Fernley, chairman for the obsevration; Elmer Shipley, who will provide a slide presentation and display and the Rev. David Grimm, pastor.
Names Scratched On Foundation
Reading Inscriptions...on foundation of first manse are Mrs. W.C. Van Leuvan, 2210 11th St., and the Rev. Moore Bell.
Bethany Lutheran Home
Bethany Lutheran Home
Elliott St. & Broadway
Elliott St. & Broadway
Tags: Bethany Lutheran Home
Bethany builds senior apartments
Bethany Nursing Home Administrator, M. Sue Mortensen, admires preliminary architectural drawings of a 60-unit apartment building for senior citizens to be built behing the nursing home.
Bethany Home gets $250,000 donation
Mrs. Joseph Nichols...presents the insurance policies to Rev. David Boone, president of the board of directors at the Bethany Lutheran Home, as Done Greene and Mark Anderson, administrator of the home, look on.
Bethany Lutheran Home
Photo of man standing, a woman, and man in wheelchair, next to white van with "Bethany Lutheran Home, Council Bluffs Iowa" on the side. [Back of photo dates it at February 1981 and identifies "Mark Anderson, Adm." but Mr. Anderson didn't become…
Tags: Bethany Lutheran Home
Bethany Home now has 'ident' board
Discussing Bethany Lutheran Home which will soon bear the names and location of each resident are Mrs. JoAnn Gohlinghorst, a resident, Frank Ombruni, and Kenneth Christensen.
Rev. Reinking to serve chaplaincy at Bethany
Plans For Installation...are discussed in the chapel of Bethany Lutheran Home by the Rev. Emil Reinking, chaplain, and Milford Fickenscher, the home's administrator
Bethany Home Is Dedicated Here
Presenting The Dr. Arthur J. Seegers, former director of chaplaincy of the American Lutheran Church, at the dedication of the Bethany Lutheran Nursing Home. They are Stanley Nelson, Chairman of the Board; Milford Fickenscher, the…
Nursing Home Plans For 5,000 Visitors
Food Preparation Center...on second level of Bethany Home is shown by Chuck Berry, food service manager. The all-electric facility has convection ovens.
Tags: Bethany Lutheran Home, Chuck Berry
Nursing Home Plans For 5,000 Visitors
Bethany Lutheran Home...will open it's [sic] doors for inspection Sunday. Fifteen Lutheran Churches in the area have spent $2 million getting the nursing home ready. First patients are expected in mid-June.
Tags: Bethany Lutheran Home
Bethany Home Will Open June 1
Chatting With Electricians...inside a nursing station on the first floor of he new Bethany Home is administrator, Mel Fickenscher. A painter is adding the last coat of paint to the entryway.
Church Construction Projects Continue In Council Bluffs
The Exterior Of Bethany Lutheran Home...takes shape at Elliott Street and North Broadway. Construction workers have now moved inside of the building and are eyeing an early spring completion of the facility. The light-colored concrete structure is…
Workmen Rush To Beat Cold
Work Is enclose the Bethany Lutheran Nursing Home at Elliott Street and North Broadway, before winter weather halts outdoor construction work.
Injunction Papers
Injunction Papers...are issued Monday morning to Cement Finisher Paul R. Grosch Jr., 802 South Omaha Bridge Road, by Deputy Sheriff George Smith. The papers forbid Grosch and other cement finishers from picketing the construction work at Bethany…
Cyclists Pedaled For $1,373 Pledges
Turning In Collections...from some of their pledges to Mel Fickenscher, superintendent of Bethany Lutheran Home, and Dennis Rutledge, their youth representative, are Tom Kuck, Craig Newberg and Cheryl Lieurance.
Bethany Lutheran Foundation Grows
Concrete is being poured to form the foundation of the new Bethany Lutheran Home at Elliott Street and North Broadway.
Architect Don Mullins of Wilscom and Mullins, said the building supplies will arrive at the site within a few weeks. With…
Architect Don Mullins of Wilscom and Mullins, said the building supplies will arrive at the site within a few weeks. With…