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Smoke system at Griffin Pipe Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Griffin Explosion: A workman inspects the cupola smelting furnace area, left, which was the center of the explosion at the Griffin Pipe Products Co., 2601 Ninth Ave., at 7:30 a.m. Monday. the mishap occurred when molten iron from the furnace…

"Dismissed Until Further Notice" . . . these Griffin Pipe Products Co. employees leave the plant with their unopened lunches and a change of clothing. From left are Jesse Sobbing of Emerson, August Pontow of Hastings, John W. Collins Jr. of Persia…

Awaiting Treatment . . . at Mercy Hospital after the blast at Griffin Pipe Products Co., are Virgil Liddell of Oakland and Merle Frazier of Omaha. Both suffered head injuries.
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