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  • Tags: Mills County IA

Town Jail . . . at Henderson, scheduled for the wrecker's hammer six years ago, still stands.

Old Jail . . . and poll tax collection center at Henderson have been sold by the Town Council. The jail will be torn down and a lumber firm will use the other building for storage.

New Addition Of A Narthex . . . at St. John's Lutheran Church of rural Hastings is to be featured in special services there Sunday. The Rev. R.E. Bloemker, the church's pastor, is standing in the foreground.

Presenting The Plaque . . . to Rev. John Crosswhite is Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. the plaque, symbolic of the Hastings United Methodist Church's winning the 1979 Award from Guideposts Magazine, is engraved with the words: "Presented to the…

Mitzi Sue, 6, and Timmie, 4, children of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Howell of Malvern, do their part to depict the spirit of the frontier during Hastings' Centennial Celebration, which began Friday and winds up Sunday. The miniature covered wagon is one of…

Rodeo Activities . . . will be a big part of the celebration of Hastings' 100th year. Planning for the annual Little Britches Rodeo, a three-performance event in conjunction with the centennial, are Wayne Crawford, the first president of the rodeo…

Teaming Up For A Celebration . . . are four Hastings citizens in front of the Post Office building - once the town's drug store. Looking over on e of the pint-sized ponies is Wayne Crawford and others are Gerald Brazeal, owner of the wagon and team,…

Waiting At The Station . . . along the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad during a dress rehearsal for the Hastings Centennial are Jim Burrington, Miss Connie Hall, Paul Taylor, Mrs. Marcia Vanderpool and Dan Vanderpool.

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad depot at Hastings, Iowa, October 20, 1968

Checking New Ordinances . . . are Mayor Elmo Hites and councilman George Clark in front of Hastings' town building.

Contemplating Columns . . . at the old Hastings School are Kenneth Grindle, Hastings, and Lowell Mooney, Shenandoah.

Hastings, Iowa road sign

Only Church . . . now active in Hastings, Iowa, the tree-shaded Methodist Church is a center of much of the town's activity.

A residence building at Glenwood State Hospital School
June 6, 1976

The 250-acre campus of Glenwood State Hospital-School has undergone several changes in recent years, mainly through the replacement and addition of new buildings.

Marching Band . . . poses with instructor Warren Darrah, right, in gym at Glenwood State School-Hospital. The group will give a concert in Des Moines later this month.

Razing Operations . . . on old administration building call for the right portion to be cleared away within two weeks.
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