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  • Tags: Best Pictures 1962-1966

Old-timers have many memories of scenes like this, created Thursday afternoon when a major power failure plunged The Nonpareil and the rest of Council Bluffs into darkness. State Editor Verne Peyser prepares news copy about the blackout by the light…

A sign on the first tee at the Dodge Park Golf Course offers a reminder Thursday that spring is only 21 days away, but a fresh blanket of snow turns the greens of the course white.

The Pony Creek hills northwest of Glenwood take on picture post card qualities after snow falls. This scene, following an earlier snow, features one of the abandoned bridges familiar in the area.

Council Bluffs is treated to a canopy of rolling clouds Saturday morning following a .5 inch rainfall. This picture was taken on Broadway at Fourth Street by Jack Kennedy, Nonpareil photographer.

Although some people might find the large scaffolding in front of Rank's Department Store less than attractive, photographer Don Wright snapped this study in symmetry and geometric design. Ranks is remodeling the front of its building.

Weathered and eroded by the timeless waters of the Missouri River, these old boat pilings south of the Union Pacific railroad bridge, patiently stand guard on the muddy beach waiting the onslaught of the spring thaw. Only the occasional clunk of ice…

The Spider...pulled down a great share of Lynx rebounds. Paul Merkuris (52) looks like he used four arms and four legs on this effort, as a T.J. defender flounders behind him.

Look, No Tonsils...seem to be the words of Ricky, 4, and Gene, 3. Beth Marie, s (middle) is sill a little unhappy about the operation.

Interstate 29 Roundup...turns highway patrolmen into cowboys as 69 cattle are herded down the super-road.

Truck Which Failed To Observe Sign...did this damage to Griswold storefronts early Wednesday.

Heavy frost and winter haze couple with light snowfall made even the city's parking lots look like the work of an artist. This picture was taken at Eighth Street and Indian Creek Wednesday morning.

Working Like A Schnapps, a St. Bernard who provides power for the V-plow guided by his master, Glen A. Gohlinghost of 232 Jordan St. They are cleaning snow from the sidewalk near their home.
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