Browse Items (7991 total)

Looking south from 500 block of West Broadway, at King's Kafe, Emarine's Printers and Stationers, and McMillen Studio.

Looking from rooftop at northeast corner of Broadway and Pearl, at Council Bluffs Savings Bank. Old Post Office is shown at the edge of photo. ca 1950?

Broadway Cleaners Laundry at 125 Broadway. Photo has been altered with white-out, and lettering added.

Broadway looking east from 700 block. Among businesses pictured: Strand Theater, Liberty Theater, Wickham Building. ca 1960?

Broadway looking west, from Eighth Street, across new viaduct. Business signs pictured: Goodrich Hotel, Brown Derby Cafe, and Hansen & Hansen. ca 1955

ca 1950?
Broadway looking west from Fourth Street to Main. Iowa Finance Company on the corner of Fourth and Broadway, and Edwards Cafe mid-block.

ca 1930 ?
on back of photo: "Broadway looking east form Main to Fourth Streets". Herman's Clothes Shop is on the corner.

Faith In Christ . . . is symbolized throughout the new Faith Lutheran Church at Twenty-first Avenue and South Eleventh Street.

Exterior . . . of new Faith Lutheran Church is completed. Only some finish work and placing of new furnishings remain to be done on the inside of the modernistic structure.

Historical Scrapbook . . . of Faith Lutheran Church events receives finishing touches from Mrs. Art Kibat and Mrs. Hollie Claussen. The Rev. Robert Miskimen looks on.

Looking At Volume . . . of Works of Luther is the Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Ebke, Ruth, 11, Stephen, 14, and Paul, 4.

Recalling His Past . . 25 years as a minister of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, is the Rev. Ebke.

The Rev. Lowell L. Lubben . . . and wife Dorothy are noting duties at their new church, Faith Lutheran.
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