Browse Items (7982 total)

Renovation and construction at Hoover Elementary, 1205 North Broadway, is estimated to cost about $1.77 million. Hoover is one of four buildings included in Phase 1 of the Council Bluffs Community Schools' Elementary Improvement Program. Work at…

Miss Nebraska, Miss Iowa . . . and now princess for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball is Miss Kay Nielson.

Schools H666b.tif
Group photograph of the Honor Society at Abraham Lincoln High School.

Schools H666a.tif
Group photograph of the Honor Society at Abraham Lincoln High School.

On Speaker's Tinley School dedication are, left to right: Mrs. Glen Hammel, Mrs. Edna Hoesly, John LeRoy Peterson, Harold Beckman and C. Francis Putnam, at the microphone.

Reels Cemetery southeast of Honey Creek, Iowa
November 4, 1962

1-Simons Print - Home on Pierce St.tif
Consists of drawings made by Simons during railroad survey projects in Iowa and Nebraska beginning in 1853.

Dwelling on Pierce Street in which N. P. Dodge lived during winter of 1864 & 5. Formally occupied by GM Dodge also by Sylvanus Dodge…

1-Simons Print  - Home of Sylvanus Dodge.jpg
Drawing of the home of Sylvanus Dodge. Caption:
NE Corner 4th St. & North St.
Home of Sylvanus Dodge (D 1871) and his widow Julia Dodge (D 1888) and of N. P. Dodge 1858-1864. Erected in 1858 & occupied by Mrs. J. T. Dodge.

Houses H664b.tif
Photograph of the home of R. G. Meneray. 208 Stutsman.

1-Simons Print - Home of N.P. Dodge.tif
Consists of drawings made by Simons during railroad survey projects in Iowa and Nebraska beginning in 1853.

Home of Nathan P Dodge from Apr 1865 to 1888 (Except years 1880 & 81). Carrie L., John L., N Phillips, and Ellen Dodge born here.


Exterior view of the home Frank Hendricks. 303 Glen Ave

Examining Chest Of Century-Old Newspapers...found at the Christian Home is Mrs. Marvin Vinton, market research director at the Home. The newspapers were edited by the Rev. Joseph Lemen, founder of the Home.

History Repeats . . . for Mrs. Mary Schwenk and Mrs. Katherine O'Keefe as they view the cornerstone at Holy Family Church. They were present for the ceremony when the stone was laid 50 years ago. With them is Msgr. William Coughlan, parish pastor for…

Checking Scrapbook . . . compiled from old pictures, clippings and other memoirs of the parish and its presiding priests are Mrs. Ruth Scarpellino and Mrs. Mary Hoferer.

Holy Family Church . . . has been a longtime landmark on the corner 0f 2300 Avenue B and this month is commemorating its 75th anniversary. When it was founded, it was the only Catholic Church on the west side of Council Bluffs. Few changes have been…

Interior Of The Church . . . sanctuary is a beautiful combination of the old and the new. Its red carpeting seems to unfold for its worshippers at the door, welcoming them inside. The Rev. Samuel Palmer, co-pastor of the parish, stands behind the…

Holy Family Catholic Church . . . located at 2231 Avenue B, has been a fine landmark on this corner site since it was built in 1908. The red brick structure is in the need of new mortar and its pastors, the Very Rev. Msgr. Albert L. Davidsaver and…

Churches H659.tif
Photograph of the exterior of Holy Family Church at 23rd street and Avenue B.
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