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The Woodglen Apartments at Glenwood, new housing units for the elderly, are all ready for tenants. The six buildings in the complex just west of Glenwood High School each contain four electrically-heated one-bedroom apartments with a combination…

A flag which has flown over the United States Capitol is hoisted at Glendale School Friday. Raising the colors which were presented by U.S. Rep. Ben F. Jensen, R-Exira, are Randy Spetman, Douglas Walton, John Daley, teacher Mrs. Ben Holden and Craig…

Fire Chief Norman Elgan and Laymon Simmons, representative of Home Fire Equipment Co. of Anderson, Ind., look over the new 1,000 gallon pumper truck delivered Friday to Central Fire Station. The truck will replace an older piece of equipment.…

Sweeping Effect . . . of 12-foot overhang eliminates "boxy" look of new fire station near Twenty-seventh Street and Broadway, and affords protection for front driveway. Brick facing is red tile, the overhang is painted white, and all the windows are…

The New Look . . . in park facilities dominates Kiwanis Point at Fairmount Park. In its completely remodeled stage, the old Kiwanis shelter features an exterior of rough cedar stained siding and natural stone. It is expected to be opened to the…

Translucent "Pods" . . . and lots of glass will permit natural light to rooms in the new $595,000 high school under construction at Exira.

Newly built Exira post office will be placed in use this week Postmaster Charles Powers has announced. The building was erected by Paul McCorkle Construction Co. of Sac City, and will be leased by the post office department.

Modernistic Designs . . . are emphasized on its sanctuary accented with gold toned walls and mahogany woodworking.

Spacious And Beautiful . . . is the new Emanuel Lutheran Church located at 2444 North Broadway on 12.5 acres of ground.

Reviewing The "Success" . . . of their ventures are Leo I. Meyerson, L.A. Caster and George William Miller.

Transmitting A List...of eastbound freight cars is Chief Clerk Odell Waffle, Route 4, and Asst. Supt. L.C. McDowell. Information is transmitted directly from punched cards.

Students Relax And the spacious new library at Eastside Junior High School. The shelves in the rear eventually will contain about 20,000 volumes.

Outdoor Play Area...reserved for kindergarteners is seen through the glass of a shorth walkway. It is fenced in by a wavy "hedge" of brick to prevent running into the street. The kindergarten room is at right.

Ready to Leave...after classes is this group of youngsters getting coats from the open wardrobes which surround one of the two "activity areas." Halls are practically eliminated in the 13-room structure which has cost about $281,000. The square…

Adding More corners of rooms are glass partitions around doorways. Chalkboards have not been installed. Blocks at left show in the space provided for them.

Kitchen the community room are displayed by Miss Doris Killins, the principal. Counters, sinks, a refrigerator and stove are spread across one end of the room and enclosed by a 30-foot folding door.

Architect's drawing of the New County Court House.

Railroading Veteran . . . Ben Hoden will take a City Council seat Jan. 1.

Councilman Joseph Katelman, right, summarizes the council's accomplishments for 1970 during the final meeting of the year Saturday. The new council chambers included a raised, one-piece desk for the councilmen, and carpeting. Drapes are still to…
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