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Crossing A Busy Intersection . . . isn't easy for a handicapped person. And to prove the point and promote community awareness of the handicapped, Police Chief Nick Sulentic attempts to cross the street as a blind person while Mayor Joseph B.…

Hancock Mayor Russell Griggs . . . displays equipment of the Hancock Volunteer Fire Department. This spring the town will make a second try to get rural people to help pay the costs of fire protection for Valley Township. Last fall a vote to levy a…

Checking Insulation . . . in the Hancock Fire Hall are Mayor Russell Griggs and Fire Chief Lyle Neve. Hancock voters will be asked to approve construction of a new Fire Hall-Town Council Building this summer.

This House In Downtown Hancock . . . includes a small telephone office at the left and an apartment on the right occupied by the night operator. When the night operator goes to bed, she connects a bell that rings in her apartment when someone wants…

This Is It . . . all the wires and gadgets needed to run a telephone company, a small one like the one at Hancock. But soon this tiny, independently-owned operation may be part of the past, if its stockholders vote to put in a direct dial system.

Hancock Mayor Russell Griggs . . . wants more equitable taxation for financing volunteer fire departments.

AFS Student . . . Terje Froystein, right, and host John Martin pause to pet the Martin's setter, Nick.

'Fine Tuning' Controls . . . are seen, above, while Bob Emken works on the 'rough' controls.

Under Thunder Jug . . . is the rest of the Tri-B operation at Hancock, including the control center in shack, left.

New Parsonage, Old Church . . . were crowded Sunday as the Silver Creek congregation visited the new home of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Henry, shown here with trustee Clayton Young, left.

On Speaking Terms . . . are two men who tied for the job of mayor of Hancock, Pete G. Jacobsen and Russell Griggs.

Back To Work . . . at Hancock Bank are manager Willard Reineke and Mrs. Robert Hobson. They spent a frightening few minutes Monday in the vault in the background.

Abandoned Car . . . believed to have been used as a getaway vehicle by the bandit who robbed the Hancock bank is checked for clues by Identification Sgt. C.E. (Pat) Moore.

Today...the Park building, center, dominates the scene. The City Hall, nearly hidden because of the setback from the street, has replaced the Merriam block. The Nonpareil replaced the Brown block. At the extreme right, the E.H. Lougee Co. occupies…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Near the end of the 1800's, this picture was taken on Main Street, looking south from First Avenue. The occasion was the parade of the Gentry Dog and Pany Show. posters noted the price at 15 and 25 cents. At top left…

Changing_Scene_1956_6_10_1956_046.jpg auto parking lot replaces the wood yard at 615 S. Main St., and an auto repair shop occupies the former drug building. Smooth paving covers the street.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--About the turn of the century, 615 and 617 S. Main St. looked this way. the buildings housed the William Welch coal and wood yard, left, and the Brown and Wesner drug store. Rough paving covered Main Street, , as…

Today...the Kimball Elevator plant has grown. While part of the buildings have the same shape, the main building in foreground was reconstructed on the same site in 1930. The section at right was added to the original buildings in 1899. The company…
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