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The General Dodge House in Council Bluffs, Iowa in 1973.

The end of the 'haunted house" was the result of well-chosen undercuts by bulldozer operators for the J.C. White Wrecking Co., that tumbled the big old Squire House at 600 Third Street Wednesday morning. The "haunted house" got the name after…

Council Bluffs History . . . is exemplified in the Historic General Dodge House which annually draws thousands of visitors to view the restored Victorian mansion.

Holding a Christmas Bouquet . . . this statue joins in the spirit of the season at the Dodge House. Victorians were fond of statuary, and this little figure stands guard in the dining room. Christmas wreaths and greenery also help lend a festive air…

Dainty Snowflakes And Flowers . . . decorate the tree in the Art Nouveau room on the second floor of the Dodge House. The ornaments are entirely handmade from "quilled" paper and although fragile-looking, they are actually very sturdy. Nonetheless,…

"A Flemish Fantasy" . . . is the name of a flower-decked tree that brings holiday spirit into the Dodge House front parlor. The tree is decorated with dainty nosegays and lacy ribbons, while gold-colored Christmas lights provide a warm glow. The tree…

Taking A Look . . . at the elegant dining room table ready for Christmas visitors is Dodge House director Dawn Mosher. The large punch bowl that occupies the place of honor on the table is on loan from a local resident. Two gleaming silver…

Examining the fabric of the new Brussels Lace curtains at the Historic Dodge House Wednesday are Trustees R.B. Graeme, 445 Glen Ave., Mrs. William Cutler, 524 Clark Ave., and Mrs. James L. Knott, 12 Westlake Village.
The Swiss-made historical…

The spacious August Beresheim House at 621 Third St., will be opened as an orientation center for the Historic General Dodge House Sunday, just in time for the annual Christmas tea. Part of the last-minute rush to prepare the 1899 home for opening is…

An Original Fireplace . . . one of two located on the main floor of the house, is trimmed in decorated tile and oak frame, topped with beveled mirrors. The showcase at right will contain part of the Dora Talley glass collection shipped to Dodge House…

Restored Staircase . . . is one of the main features of the Beresheim House. The ornate stairway of white oak leads from the main floor to the third floor and is trimmed with delicate carvings and turnings. Looking over the railing are Mrs. G.A.…

In National Register . . . of historic landmarks is the August Beresheim House, next door to the Historic Gen. Dodge House. Notice of the listing was received Wednesday.

Unbelievable Beauty . . . is created by the contrast of the ebony black finish of the etagere in the front hall of the Historic General Dodge House and the mother-of-pearl embellishments. Mrs. Michael Terry, guide, said "It is easily moveable on its…

One of the newest additions to the Botna Bend Park's Wildlife exhibit, an elk calf, tries to catch up with its mother Wednesday. It has been 11 years since the park has had elk calves and two have arrived in the past two weeks. Nonpareil photo by…

Few travelers stop to see them during the winter so the buffalo, elk and deer get to eat their meals in peace these days at Botna Bend Park at Hancock. In this scene, the animals crowd around a pile or [sic] loose hay at the north end of the park. …

Feeding time at Botna Bend Park near Hancock is a time when friends can gather together over a good chunk of hay and talk about the good times. But one of the former residents of the park, an elk, is missing daily meals with Dave, the park's bull…

Trapped In Botna Bend Park At Hancock...when the West Nishnabotna River went over its banks were the baby buffafo, Dimples, his mother, Daisy, and stepfather, Dave. The buffaloes and the park elks were forced to stand on high ground for nearly 36…

Elk at Botna Bend Park at Hancock were able to make their way to a fence line where debris caught created a small waterfall and gave them shallower water in which to stand until the West Nishnabotna River recedes. The baby elk, Sally, was moved to…

photo of baby elk lying down, with a cast on its right leg. This photo was not used in the article, but the caption with the photo that was in the Nonpareil reports that the baby elk was tossed in the air by a buffalo, and broke its leg.

Botna Bend Park...dedicated Wednesday at Hancock, is viewed by Ward Garrett, Frank Stempel, Harold Borwick and John Scheffler.
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