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Photo of a gentleman standing in front of the Judge's bench in the Avoca Courthouse.

2002 Yearbook (Annual) of Iowa School for the Deaf.

2003 Yearbook (Annual) of Iowa School for the Deaf.

Photo of a church in Avoca, IA

2004 Yearbook (Annual) of Iowa School for the Deaf.

2005 Yearbook (Annual) of Iowa School for the Deaf.

Standing At the Site . . . of the Avoca centennial time capsule buried in 1989 during the town's centennial celebration is Harry Wiese, 87, Avoca farmer and self-educated historian. Behind Wiese is the Pottawattamie County Courthouse built in 1885. …

Avoca, IA Pt 2

Exterior of Bluffs Towers at 38 Pearl Street

Opening The the newly remodeled Bluffs Towers are Sam Brown Sr., and John Nelson, president and vice president of the Bluffs Homes, Inc. The 69-unit complex for the elderly is now ready for occupation.

Cards In Recreation Bluffs Towers is just one of several planned functions for the many residents at the residence for the elderly, formerly the Hotel Chieftain. These general get-togethers are good mixers and enjoyed by the residents…

Bluffs Towers
First and Pearl
Apts. for Elderly
Formerly Chieftain Hotel

The Gen. Grenville M. Dodge Mansion Is Only The Highlight . . . of the many monuments and historical sites revealing the history of the railroad's western push, and the building of the city of Council Bluffs. A journey around the city and through the…

A Dodge House Collector's Plate . . . is now available in the gift store at the Gen. Dodge House. The plate features pictures relating to Gen. Dodge, his life and his work.

Official Hostesses . . . for the holiday tour and tea will be members of the Council Bluffs Business and Professional Women's Club. Mrs. Dorothy Letner (left), Mrs. Grace Getzer and Miss Evelyn Blyth select costumes of the Victorian age which they…

Inside The Carriage House . . . custodian Ivan Stillenger looks over the items being restored. When restoration is completed on the building, vehicles of the times will be displayed such as the carriage shown here.

The Old Carriage House . . . that faces on Story Street heads the list of prime restoration for 1970. Exterior of the carriage house is much the same as has been for many years. Custodian's apartment is on the second floor.

The Historic Gen. Dodge House . . . at 605 Third St., closed its sixth season with a record December attendance of more than 2,300 persons. While restoration is completed on the house, plans for 1970 center mostly on the old carriage house and the…

A Delight . . . for little girls is a doll house, and this doll house has delighted many little girls since its construction near the turn of the century. The doll house, a gift to
Dodge House, is admired by Kimberly Ranch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.…

Vern Tollinger, local attorney, shows a silver tea service to Roberty Montgomery Jr. and his wife of Newport Beach, Calif., when the couple visited the Historic General Dodge House Tuesday. Montgomery is the great-grandson of Gen. Grenville M. Dodge…
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