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  • Tags: gas stations

1925 W Broadway.tif
Photograph of 1925 West Broadway

39th & Broadway.tif
4 photos of 39th & West Broadway (North side)

901 E Broadway.tif
Three photographs of 901 East Broadway - Corner of Broadway and Thomas St.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Only five years ago Broadway, west from Ninth St., looked like this, with business buildings, brick paving and lots of railroad tracks to cross. In the foreground are the rails of the street car company.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This was the first service station in Council Bluffs, according to David D. Jones of Excelsior Springs, Mo. He sent this picture to The Nonpareil via his son, Don Jones of 2422 Avenue F. David Jones, now 79, was an…

There was snow on the ground when this picture was taken during the funeral procession of Dr. Donald Macrae Jr. in January of 1932. This is Broadway, looking west from Oak Street. Only commercial buildings along this section of Broadway were the…

SW Washington -Scott.tif
Three photos of gas station on Washington and Scott St.

923 E Broadway.tif
Four photographs of Standard Oil Station at 923 East Broadway

Today...the same block is used for garage and auto service including the spaces used as a stable in the 1923 photo. However, the modern one-story buildings replace the old two-story section.

Today...the site is occupied by a new service station. And there many [sic] other changes in the last 50 years, such as the removal of the other buildings and addition of traffic signals.

Today...a different type of moisture covers the street, which was photographed after a rain shower. While there is still a service station, at left, the drive has been enlarged to accommodate present day traffic. The pharmacy has been enlarged and…

NE 37th & Broadway.tif
3 photographs of West Broadway (37th , N.E. corner)
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