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  • Tags: Griffin Pipe

New offices of Griffin Pipe Products Company at 2601 Ninth Ave., are nearing completion and will give the company two and a half times more space. The new building enlargement is due to added expansion in the past two years and also to improve…

Billowing Over The Heads . . . of city and Chamber of Commerce leaders is a cloud of steam which is created by treatment of production smoke. A smoke abatement device at the Griffin Pipe Products plant has been in part time use since September while…

An Outside Consultant . . . tests the emissions from Griffin Pipe Company, which recently installed a new anti-pollution device. Company officials expect the pollutants to be below the 30 pound limits of Iowa law. The white substance coming out of…

Dick Dekker, acting works manager at Griffin Pipe Products here checks a new 400-horsepower electric motor designed to increase the fan capacity on the plant's cupola from 75,000 to 93,000 cubic feet-per-minute. The addition is part of efforts to…

Red-Hot 20-Foot Length . . . of pipe is pulled from one of the three centrifugal casting machines. By pressing three buttons on an electronic control panel, a workman can turn out the pipe, extract it from the casting machine and send it to the…

View in the stock room. Finished wheels ready for shipment. Each wheel possesses the requisite properties for the particularly severe job it must do.

A wheel after being stripped from the mold and just before being placed in the annealing pits.

Finishing the cope side of the mold. Shown in the foreground are some of the finished molds.

Pouring of molten metal from a large ladle into small ladle prior to pouring into molds.

Cheered By Prospects . . . for industrial expansion here are: Orris Dean, T. Joe Smith and Sam C. Prest. Council Bluffs was picked out of an area from Tacoma, Wash., to the Mississippi River.

Looking Over Final Plans . . . for Griffin Pipe Company's new wet scrubber cleaning system are B.B. Barefoot, president of the manufacturer hired to install the system, Robert Peting and J.C. Moreland.

At Luncheon Ceremony . . . G. Thomas Reilly, representing the Citizens Committee for Community Development, presents an award to Frank Marold. It was for the job Griffin Pipe Products Co. has done in refurbishing its plant and constructing a new…

Inspecting Smoke System . . . at Griffin Pipe Co. are Roy Caputo, works manager, and James Carter, erection engineer. Frank Merk, general foreman, steadies a ladder for foreman Bill Marlo.

Awaiting Treatment . . . at Mercy Hospital after the blast at Griffin Pipe Products Co., are Virgil Liddell of Oakland and Merle Frazier of Omaha. Both suffered head injuries.
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