Browse Items (7727 total)

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Karges Addition in 1919 looked like this with a few homes and unpaved streets. This picture was taken from a hill just west of Marian Ave. near Lee Street. It comes from the album of Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Lee, who now…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1903 Fairmount Park was a popular spot in Council Bluffs, but had no paved roads. And most persons reached it by way of street car. This photo from Park Superintendent John Christensen, shows a public pavilion…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is how Pearl street, north from First Ave., loked [sic] Dec. 3, 1925, after a $1,250,000 fire destroyed the famous Grand Hotel, left, and Contintental and Shugart buildings, right. The fire left the entire south…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1923, fire destroyed the Rogers building on the left and the Brown block, center. The old Nonpareil building is on extreme right. The picture was taken on the Main St. side of the block between Willow and First…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1895 the first double truck streetcar was built in Omaha and Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge Company Shops at 28th Street and Avenue A. Made from two horse drawn cars, the new unit was No. 51. The picture…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--An artist looking north from the corner of Pear St. and Willow Ave. sketched this conception of Bayliss Park in 1888. Note the bandstand at the spot which now features a lighted fountain. The picture was first…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1888, a look east on Broadway from Scott St; would reveal this scene. The large tower in the background is one of five 150-foot carbon arc street lighting towers in the city. The St. Peter's Church spire is…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is the Council Bluffs Post Office as it appeared in 1888. It was one of the largest buildings in the city at that time and it served as a focal point of civic interest.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1918, when the United States was at war with Germany, Locust Lodge looked like this. The lonely home was occupied by John Gebuhr, who owns the photograph. At that time, a crushed brick street passed his home…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--A horse-drawn trolley passes the Masonic temple at Fourth St. and Broadway back in 1888 when this sketch was drawn. Note the carbon arc light tower at the left of the building. The tower marked the debut of the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--On a cold December day in 1922, this three-story building at the corner of Fourth St. and Broadway caught fire. The fire burned a path through the two top floors. Note the frozen water on the side of the building. At…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--An Elks Carnival Parade led by the late Dr. Donald Macrae, marches by these downtown stores in an area known as the Sanborn Block in September of 1911. From the left, the stores house a bicycle shop, drug store, loan…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The southwest corner of Main St. and Washington Ave. was occupied by the Standard Fuel Feed & Seed Co. when this photo was taken in the 1880s. The firm handled hard and soft coal and Missouri wood. Frame building at…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In April of 1881, the Chicago North Western Railroad station was located at Broadway and Sycamore Street, and it looked like this during the historic flood when the depot was used as a boat landing. Note the depot and…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Some 50 years ago, when this photo was taken, this old band stand was a popular part of Fairmount Park. It was located near the south entrance of the park, along the main drive. Thousands of persons attended the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The Ogden House at Park Ave. and Broadway was one of the most popular places in Council Bluffs when this photo was taken 85 years ago. Note the people on the roof of the four-story structure. Oil lamps lighted the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The old Merriam block, as viewed from Willow Ave. and Main St., was a fine three-story building, with lots of fancy trim. It housed many store rooms on the ground floor, in addition to offices, clubrooms and--at one…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In the early part of the century the Bluff City Laundry, located a 22 North Main St., used a fleet of horse and wagons for delivery service with the help of one truck. Building at right was the second location of the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Bloomer School, as shown in a booklet "Council Bluffs of 1889" was one of 15 buildings then in the public school system which cost the city the sum total of $215,800. (That's considerably less than a single building…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--The Wheeler-Herald Block at 134 E. Broadway looked like this back in 1889 when this sketch appeared in the Council Bluffs Illustrated booklet. At that time, the building housed the Wheeler-Herald bottling works. Note…
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