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Captain J. Cockran and Driver R. Gates
Capt H. Keegan - D. Baxley

Fire Department Capt Oamek & Mike Kilbane.tif
Photograph of Fire Department Captain Oamek and Fire Department Mike Kilbane.

Acting Refuge Manager...Wayne Chord looks over the supply of Bertrand relics stored in a remodeled garage. The temperature and humidity are controlled to prevent the items from deteriorating.

The Final Day ...of removing cargo from the Bertrand was Wednesday. Workers will wash and photograph the remains of the boat to prepare it for winter "storage."

Washing Down...artifacts recovered from the sunken steamer and recording them are the jobs of Fish and Wildlife Service personnel Bill Berns of Guttenburg and Nancy Osborne of Ames.

Photograph of police officer Carolyn Cates


The Only Remaining Log Cabin . . . in Carroll County has been moved to Graham Park in Carroll, where it has been restored and will serve as a museum of pioneer history.

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Clearing Right Of Way . . . at the scene of the Illinois Central derailment Sunday 12 miles north of Council Bluffs, work crews ready the grade for laying new rails. Empty boxcars have been dozed to either side of torn-out track section.

Illinois Central Bridge_08_04_1969_002.jpg
Wrecked Freight Cars . . . ditched in the derailment were thrown and pushed from the right-of-way. The accident occurred just south of the Honey Creek interchange of I-29.

One more gap in the Interstate Highway system around Council Bluffs was eliminated Friday as I-29 between Ninth Avenue and North Sixteenth Street was opened to traffic. Traffic may now skirt by Council Bluffs on the north and proceed to the East…

Religious Functions...are observed on a community basis in the Carter Lake Presbyterian Church.

The Largest Industry...and the biggest taxpayer in Carter Lake is the Paxton and Vierling Steel Co.

The Town carried on in the Utility Building near Fifth and Locust St. Volunteer firemen use half the building.

Main the Carter Lake School sets off a community project built at a cost of $250,000

Carter Lake sign, with Neighborhood Watch sign below it
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