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Catching Rain Washington School is Joseph G. Basch, 2121 Avenue A., custodian. Students have to walk around the buckets on raining days.

New Garner Township being readied for school opening Monday. A feature is the use of glass in both front and rear walls.

The Stutsman Street School...and some of the 19th century students. It was constructed for about $5,000. This photo came from the Free Public Library.

First Public Council Bluffs is toured Thursday by 210 fourth, fifth and sixth grade students of Roosevelt School. The children are accompanied by John Spauling, their principal, and several teachers.

St. Albert Physics Students...construct a geodesic dome which will be used like a dome in a planetarium. Their first attempt, to which they used only metal fasteners, collapsed half-way through construction. The second time around hope string will…

Flag Flown Over presented by Rep. John R. Hansen to the Rev. Daniel Delehant, superintendent of St. Albert Catholic High School. Looking on is Mrs. Anna Brown, Americansim Chairman of the Auxiliary to Grenville M. Dodge Post 737,…

St. Albert Central Catholic High School was dedicated Sunday afternoon by Bishop Edward C. Daly, O.P. of the Des Moines diocese. Shown in the main entrance hall, left to right: the Rev. Daniel Delehant, school superintendent; Mark Wanning, altar…

Bishop Edward C. Daly...wields trowel at St. Albert's cornerstone laying. With the bishop are Dr. J.P. Cogley, general chairman of the fund drive, the Very Rev. Albert Davidsaver of Missouri Valley, acting superintendent during the school's…

Happy With Results...of fund drive are Catholic Priests Thomas J. Costin, Joseph P. Ryan, Albert Davidsaver, James J. Wadsworth, Thomas J. Moriarty, John Hart, Richard G. Wagner, O.L. Kaufman and Maurus Kennedy

Preliminary Plans...for the proposed Catholic high school are discussed by Dr. J. P Cogley, general lay chairman; James Loftus, architect; the Rt. Rever. Msgr Thomas J. Costin, pastor of St. Francis Church, and the Very Rev. Albert L. Davidsaver,…

Brain Bowl Winners...are from St. Albert High School this year. members of the winning team are, from let Lori Larsen, Mark Elliott (captain), Jim DeMott (coach), Tom Oberdin, and Barb Simon.

Welcoming A Group... Of former Avenue B Elementary School students is Principal Norman Bush of Roosevelt Elementary. The students and their parents walked to the school Wednesday to see what the route and buildings are like.

School Holiday: A cluster of Roosevelt School students view the building after an early morning fire Monday did between 500,000 and $600,000 damage. About three quarters of the school was destroyed. Story on page 1.

Thousands of Gallons of Water...used to fight the Roosevelt School fire left steps, the school grounds and streets around the gutted building covered with ice. Firemen fought the blaze in mid-teen temperatures. Other photo on page 2.

Extreme Heat...from the fire that did between $500,000 and $600,00 damage to Roosevelt School left the interior of the old section twisted. A newer section, completed in 1953, suffered extensive smoke and water damage.

"Stewpot Annie" her co-workers jokingly call Mrs. Annie Calton, 3107 Avenue C fills two vacuum jugs from a huge food vat at Roosevelt school kitchen. Soon the jugs will be on their way to feed hungry students.

Steam through one first grade room in the basement at Roosevelt School. Plaster is cracking in several spots along the floor.

Making A Grand Entry...through the West Graham Ave. portals are a kindergarten group led by Johnny Shriver and Marlee Hayworth. Opening of Pusey wrapped up the nine-project expansion program for lower grade buildings financed by a $1,250,000 bond…

A Proposal To Raze...old Lake School on North Broadway will be presented to the School Board. The Council Bluffs schools facilities committee Tuesday approved plans to recommend razing the structure.

This considered "an excellent potential location for housing the elderly. It was the site of the old Pierce Street School, which was built in 1884 and demolished in 1955. This picture was taken from the intersection at Franklin Avenue…
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