Browse Items (7714 total)

If you're familiar with the more outstanding cemetery monuments, you should be able to identify this unusual specimen. It's all there. The apparently damaged column actually is a symbol. Can you identify the monument?

Answer: The monument is in…

These dormer windows are part of a downtown office building that has none of the usual features of downtown office buildings. It more closely resembles a country estate. Can you locate the building?

Answer: The windows decorate the top of 14…

Few buildings in town can rival this downtown specimen for fancy architecture. But most of the looking is done inside. Can you name it?

Answer: The Strand Theater Bldg., 554 W. Broadway.

The glowering characters at the top of the picture guard the entrance to a busy downtown center of finance. Can you identify the building?

Answer: The City National Bank Building, 500 W. Broadway.

In the past 70-odd years, this jungle of steel has watched the human race go by in everything from a surrey to a sports car. In its career, it has been acclaimed, accused, admired and avoided. Can you identify it?

Answer: The superstructure of…

A tile design on the front of a comparatively new building in Council Bluffs takes on the appearance of an oversize mechanical man. Do you know what building this design is on?

Answer: The design is on the front of the new DeForest School,…

A number of these elongated hunks of calibrated concrete are scattered across the north and west edges of the city. This one is near Big Lake. Know what they're used for?

Answer: Engineers call them levee walls. The hollow concrete contains a…

From the north side of a popular downtown meeting place, fancy brickwork forms a background for three stone faces over Broadway. This is on the upper half of the building. The lower story is occupied by a retail store. Can you name the…

Anyone familiar with fraternal emblems should recognize this symbolic design. It appears on a building that once housed The Nonpareil. Can you identify the symbol and its location?

Answer: It is the emblem of the Independent Order of Oddfellows,…

A simple stone monument perpetuates the memory of the men who left Council Bluffs to serve in the Spanish-American War. The inscription shows that it was erected in 1932 by the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary. Can you locate the…

This network of steel and cable has created more breathless predicaments than any structure in town. With a few summertime accessories, it should be easily recognizable. In winter, it's completely ignored. Can you identify it?

Answer: The Ferris…

Nearly everyone in Pottawattamie County has strolled past this stone marker at one time or another. Only on the rarest occasions does anyone stop long enough to read the inscription, which gives a capsule history of a prominent downtown landmark.…

Most city dwellers should have a pretty good idea of what this concrete slab represents. Unless they have been around town a while they may have trouble placing the location. Where is it?

Answer: The abandoned Water Works pumping station on North…

With a little imagination, this futuristic symbol could be mistaken for a monument to the Atomic Age. Actually, it pays tribute to a group of patriotic Americans who were far removed from the field of nuclear physics. What is it?

Answer: The…

This historic marker was erected in 1934, but few residents, even though they recognize it, can tell you where it is today. The marker stands near the spot where a trailblazing missionary ministered to the Potawattomie Indians in 1838-1840. The…

The camera angle makes a towering landmark appear to be shooting up from the top of a small mountain. Actually, the rock pile is nearly a block away from the landmark. Can you identify the combination?

Answer: The hill is a pile of rock aggregate…

This bulky structure helps cook the meals and heat the homes of a large proportion of the population. It's located on South Eighth Street. Can you identify it?

Answer: The Gas Company's supply tank near Eleventh Ave. and Eighth St.

No Council Bluffs church has a monopoly on stained glass windows, but this is one of the grandest examples in town. Located in the west section of the city, it faces south. It should be a familiar sight to persons who travel Fifth Avenue. Can you…

2nd Avenue School at 23rd Street and Second Avenue (2209 2nd Avenue). Photo is trimmed around the outlines of the building.

Avene B School building at 25th and Avenue B school (2440 Avenue B). Photo has been trimmed around the outlines of the building.
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