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Hoover School...was the first new educational building in Council Bluffs since 1939. It was constructed in October of 1950. Soon after it was built, many other schools began going up in the city.

Hoover Principal Dan Fellows gave a brief description of the addition that will be built at his building.

Head and shoulders photo of Allen Kurland, Hoover Elementary School principal.

Photo of the front (Broadway side) of Thomas Jefferson High School
On back of photo: 8-1967, about 27th

pho of artist's rendering of proposed addition to Thomas Jefferson High School. On back of photo: Proposed addition 1984, TJ

Council Bluffs . . . would be divided into three subdistricts for election of state representatives. Precincts 8 through 14 plus 24 and Kane East make up the Second district; Precincts 1 through 7 and Carter Lake, Third district; and Precincts 14…

The Iowa Reapportionment Commission . . . would divide counties and some townships in Southwest Iowa for the Senate. Descriptions of the districts are found in story.

Here Is How . . . the Iowa Reapportionment Commission has divided Southwest Iowa counties and townships into new legislative districts. Descriptions of the districts for the House are found in story.

Proposed Iowa Senatorial Districts . . . as outline by conference committee. Polk County would have three senators, Scott, Black Hawk, Linn and Woodbury two each. Areas with no numbers would have one senator each.

Dr. Robert Benton...views burner doors of Gunn School furnace after explosion.

Raincoats teacher to beat out flames on Gerald Dixon's clothing are viewed by James Burke, local fire inspector, and Gail Odem of Atlantic, deputy fire marshal.

In A Room of Unusual Size...these second graders are attentive to the instructions of Mrs. Dorothy Larson. The L-shaped classroom on the first floor goes through the arch of one room and to the left.

Offering a Leslie Finkel is Gregg LeDuc. Their water fountain is mounted on a kitchen sink. The cupboard at upper left will be used to store supplies.

Having A Fire Drill...the upstairs class led by Miss Kathleen Huff descends along an outside exit. Each classroom has two exits. Usually this class uses an inside stairway.

Gunn School Addition...was the last project conspired under the building program. It was completed in January of this year. But school officials say this isn't the end of new school building here, because more is needed.

Miller (Bob) Greenwalt of 1609 S. 9th St. paints window casings on the new two-room Gunn School addition. The $40,000 addition, which will relieve overcrowding, is scheduled for completion in January. Eldon Butler Construction Co. of Council Bluffs…

Proposed Gunn Addition...would occupy the space shown by the dotted line, to the east and north of the present building. The two-room construction is planned so more rooms could be added in the future.

A Model...of the proposed Glendale-Bennett Avenue area school includes a skylight in the roof and tree-trimmed landscaping. The building will have a metal exterior. There will be no windows in the instructional area in order to conserve energy and…

Building . . . housing the Southwest Iowa Learning Resources Center at Red Oak has 4,000 feet of floor space.
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