Twenty-four of Beebeetown's 35 people...turned out for this picture taken at the town's main--and only--intersection. Beebeetown will celebrate its 100th birthday Saturday with centennial festivities and pee-wee baseball tournament.
A Marked the tintype of his great-great grandparents is shown by David William McElwain as he sits in the lap of his grandmother, Mrs. Fred Ehlert. His great-uncle, L.J. Beebee holds the picture.
Beebeetown, the "biggest little town in Harrison County," celebrated its 100th birthday Saturday with a centennial parage viewed by nearly 4,000 spectators. About 80 units in the parade traveled a parade route of more than a mile, starting and…
The old city Auditorium, shown as it appeared last week before demolition was reduced to the rubble on the right by Thursday. The auditorium was raised in one month in 1907 and was razed in one week in 1970. The building would have been totally…
Before reopening . . . of Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge, Mayor Joseph Katelman and Manager Pete Pakey view barrel barricades at Douglas Street approach to the old span. At left, autos climb the Interstate-480 Bridge ramp. -- Nonpareil Photo.
Within minutes after posing for this picture on the Capitol steps Friday, State Sen. Ed. Wearin, Red Oak, and U.S. Rep. Ben Jensen (R-Exira) re-entered the building and learned the President had been shot. Wearin was in Washington to testify about…
Two weeks ago huge elms lined Bayliss Park along Pearl Street, cutting off the view to the north. They were 70 feet high and hung over the curb. Some were considered dangerous. After two minor damage claims were filed against the city by people…