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Stone Shelterhouse . . . with fireplace and two grills for cooking was built in Arrowhead Park with contributions from the Hoo Doo Day celebration in Neola.

Debris covers a hole...burned into a wood layer of classroom floor in Bloomer School. Fire investigators said smoke caused extensive damage, fire officials said. Nonpareil photo by Steve Glowacki.

Showing Result . . . of more than 100 hours' airbrush work, Joffe-Bouska poses with "Bicursal," one of the paintings in her Co-op show. Swooping curved tubular shapes are her dominant artistic interest.

Mayda Goodberry . . . a bronze expert, works at the base of the Ruth Ann Dodge Memorial in Fairview Cemetery Wednesday. A restoration project is being sponsored by the Bluffs Arts Council. --Nonpareil Photo by Steve Glowacki.

Mayda Goodberry . . . , a bronze expert, works at the base of the Ruth Anne Dodge Memorial in Fairview Cemetery Wednesday. A restoration project is being sponsored by the Bluffs Arts Council.

Apparently on the right track . . . is a browser, one of about 29,000 yearly, in the Public Library's 86,000 book adult collection. These shelves have taken the place of a lounge that was replaced because of the overcrowding. --Nonpareil Photo.

Whispering willows . . . in the shadow of the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge set a relaxed mood for the 78-year-old span, the home of many generations of pigeons. --Nonpareil Photo.

Asher, Robert & Patti

Ask City Hall

Assembled Teams . . .stand at attention Tuesday night at Council Bluffs Fieldhouse as a color guard presents the flag for the opening ceremonies of the National Amateur Athletic Union Women's basketball tournament. About 600 fans were on hand for the…

Roses are Presented ... to Sherry Stark, queen of the National Women's AAU Basketball Tournament, by Jaycee Mark Hunter. Richard Jones, tourney director, made the announcement, and Miss Stark received her crown from last year's tournament queen…

At AFS fete: Area AFS students feted at Oakland Sunday, (left to right, front row: Corning, Miss Sonja Nakawaja, Thailand; Denison, Miss Dona Cella, Bissi, Italy; Walnut, Miss Marian Vranchen, The Netherlands; Red Oak, Miss Chieko Majima, Japan;…

Broadway_United_Methodist_ Church_3_17_1958_005.jpg
Placing The Cornerstone...for the Educational Unit at Broadway Methodist Church are Eldon Butler and Carl Beason. The Rev. Glenn A. Parrott looks on.

At Crash Scene...spectators view the damaged two-seater airplane. Note the piece of wing, ripped from the plane. The craft hit the power pole before crashing to the ground.

Railroad service for visitors at the new Iowa Power & Light Co.'s Council Bluffs Power Station was provided by this Burlington VistaDome car and Ipalco's own diesel locomotive. Here the train is backing into the plant, with boiler sections rising in…

At The Bertrand Meeting...were (front) Wayne Chord, George Fischer, Sen. Tom Frey, Sen. James Griffin, Jackson Moore, Phil Morgan, (back) Rep. William Darrington, Newell Bowers, Mayor Protem [sic] of Missouri Valley, Vern Henrich, Missouri Valley…

Checking an alternative to the widening of Washington Avenue just prior to a meeting during the Chamber of Commerce retreat in Kansas City, Saturday are Tom Whitson, president of the chamber and City Manager Don Harmon.

President Kennedy has launched a series of afternoon get-togethers at the White House for members of Congress. Here is a group which met recently, including, left to right, Rep. George Andrews (D-Alabama); Rep. Ben F. Jensen of Exira (R-Iowa);…

This is the Steeple: Only the steeple remains of the First Congregational Church at Atlantic which is being torn down to make way for a parking lot. The church was erected more than 75 years ago.
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