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Crumbling a basement classroom at Franklin School is held by Principal David McConnell. Overcrowded conditions at the school force use of the basement both as a storage area and classroom.

Meeting With Franklin School in the basement classroom, McConnell notes that many of the major cracks and holes have been temporarily patched and painted.

Site Work Is the location of the new Franklin Elementary School which will house 425 students. The structure, which is being built, at Thirty second Street and Avenue C, south of the present building, is expected to be ready for…

Brick Work...on the new Franklin School is complete as the building nears occupancy sometime this month. The old Franklin School, in the background, will be torn down once students have moved.

Explaining How...the new Franklin Elementary School will look when completed is Principal Ramona Cramer. Gerald Madsen, instrumental music instructor, surveys the area to pick out where he will teach students.

Crossing the street to their new school are Franklin Elementary School kindergarteners. The new facility, which was supposed to be ready for classes last August, was finally opened this Tuesday. It was ready for classes Monday but snow canceled…

Franklin Youngsters...still use the playground outside their old school built in 1892. The School Board has ordered the district to reopen the old gymnasium on the right, as the new Franklin School has no gym.

photo of first Glendale School building: white, wooden, with cupola and chimney. Siding is weathered, windows broken

Nearing completion is the new Glendale School in Garner Township. Work was started by C.C. Larson on the $65,000 structure in November. Completion date is set for the Aug. 28 school opening.

A flag which has flown over the United States Capitol is hoisted at Glendale School Friday. Raising the colors which were presented by U.S. Rep. Ben F. Jensen, R-Exira, are Randy Spetman, Douglas Walton, John Daley, teacher Mrs. Ben Holden and Craig…

Showing Off Their Trophy...are Glendale teacher Yvette McCulley and four of her students who won the elementary school division of the state Problem-Solving Bowl. They are Michelle Smith, Kelly Groce, Todd Pettepier and Linda Benton.

Council Bluffs native Rhonda Lake says her experiences in theater as a child and an association with the Emmy Gifford Children's Theater has fanned an interest in teaching other children to act.

Multi-Million Dollar Complex . . . will go up on this 58-acre tract next year. First phase of construction will begin about March 1 and will include two service stations, apartment building, a motor hotel and restaurant outlined at the bottom of the…

Examining Architect's Drawing . . . of planned commercial development along North Sixteenth Street are Byron Hollis, Mayor Richard C. Oshlo, John Mainelli and Harold Shepherd.

Building . . . housing the Southwest Iowa Learning Resources Center at Red Oak has 4,000 feet of floor space.

A Model...of the proposed Glendale-Bennett Avenue area school includes a skylight in the roof and tree-trimmed landscaping. The building will have a metal exterior. There will be no windows in the instructional area in order to conserve energy and…

Proposed Gunn Addition...would occupy the space shown by the dotted line, to the east and north of the present building. The two-room construction is planned so more rooms could be added in the future.

Miller (Bob) Greenwalt of 1609 S. 9th St. paints window casings on the new two-room Gunn School addition. The $40,000 addition, which will relieve overcrowding, is scheduled for completion in January. Eldon Butler Construction Co. of Council Bluffs…
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