After delays of many weeks on the new city hall project at Council Bluffs got under way Monday morning with workers making the lot in readiness for the driving of piles. The first work done Monday morning was moving piling to one side in preparation…
A new coat of paint for the Public Library's children's room doesn't keep the youngsters from their books. Trudy Widel, 9, 1405 McPherson Ave. slips a volume from under the stepladder whie Walt Bustardo rolls on the paint. Bustardo and his father,…
Looking Over The Site...of the one-room country schoolhouse are Emma Godfrey and Mildred Howart, both of Peterson school. The building is now in its third location since it was salvaged by the NRT as a Bicentennial Project. It is located a half…
Workmen for Cramer Brothers Construction Co. of Des Moines work in their undershirts Tuesday as forming for the concrete deck of the new Interstate Highway 80 bridge got under way. Supt. Harold Tompkins said they expect to start pouring concrete in…
Traffic on the Interstate 80 bridge is narrowed to one lane each way while contractors grind quarter-inch grooves in the bridge deck. The grooves will be covered later with a high density concrete that will last longer. When these two lanes are…
Checking registration for the Iowa Association of Realtors Convention at the Omaha Hilton Hotel Wednesday is Roger Reelfs, president of the Greater Council Bluffs Board of Realtors. Conferring with Reelfs is Marva Lou McSorley, registration…
Abe Katelman, owner of Katelman Foundries here, is presented the Herman Krause memorial trophy awarded annually to the most outstanding member of the Irving Cohen Lodge, 688, B'nai B'rith. The award was presented Sunday night by Sam Colick, lodge…
Reading Centennial Booklet . . . are four ministers who have served First Presbyterian Church here. They are C. Carson Bransby, Paul Calhoun, Frederick W. Evans and Howard B. Dooley, present pastor.
This diagram points out the areas considered for downtown redevelopment. The diagram is part of the Request For Proposal booklet submitted to the City Council. The identification of property in the areas includes: R. Residence, 1. Marjorie's Beauty…
Talking To Students . . . is Rep. Ben Jensen with State Sen. Peter Hansen. The Manning High School students are Barbara Mundt, Bill Ohde and Gerolyn Hinz.
Buying Tractor . . . for grandson "Chipper" from Buel Lensch and Mrs. H.C. Douglas gives Jensen a chance to combine Christmas shopping and politicking in Glidden.
Sale of land for a three-story office building in downtown Council Bluffs is scheduled to be completed Thursday, Acting Community Development Director Rod Phipps said. The city will transfer the deed for the property to the building's developers in…
This pagoda-like structure casts a dark reflection in a nearby puddle, perhaps because its useful days are gone. There was a time, when the coal chute's concrete legs weren't chipped and surrounded by a crop of weeks, that this was the center of…