Concrete and reinforcing steel give a progress report on construction of Jennie Edmundson Hospital's new addition. The $2,100,000 project is scheduled to be in operation by March of 1963.
Walking Through Mud...on Eighth Avenue between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth St. are Donal and Christopher McCullough. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCullough of 2310 Eighth Ave.
The carving . . . on the counter in the county auditor's office is more notable to Andrew Fahrenkrog, 1, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Fahrenkrog, because he can't see over it. His mother presented a letter to the County board of Supervisors asking that…
Architect's Sketch . . . shows the proposed $1,250,000 motel and restaurant. The restaurant is at the right front and motel accommodations are in the building to the rear and left. A heated swimming pool with outside patio is planned for the front of…
A $300,000 bond issue to build an Audubon County Home will be balloted on in the November general election. the present home is expected to be condemned and the grand jury has recommended that a new home be built. The proposed home will be a T Shaped…
From West Broadway and Pearl street, this is the view of the proposed new Council Bluffs Savings bank building. The structure and interior finishings will cost approximately $200,000, Architect Henry J. Schneider said. This two-story building will…
Exterior work of the Educational addition to Prospect Park Baptist Church is now completed, all but hanging one door, its pastor, the Rev. Robert Fry said Saturday. The vertical wood siding matches the church proper. With the new addition, Prospect…
The Rev. Michael Scott...looks over spacious area of the new educational unit's fellowship hall. All of the new area features parchment beige decorations.
People's Natural Gas representatives Bill Schaffart (left) and Mike Theisen met Wednesday with 15 demonstrators from Citizens for Community Improvement are protesting new deposits required for customers who have been late in paying bills and have…
Wally Tuel . . . a patron of the Council Bluffs Public Library, views one of the periodicals on display. Mildred Smock, librarian, explains procedure for use of the periodicals.--Nonpareil Photo.
Arranging pictures . . . for the Council Bluffs Public Library's art exhibit are Librarian Miss Mildred Smock and assistant, Mrs. Amerlia O'Neill. --Nonpareil Photo.
(Top) Soon To Broadcast . . . educational television to Southwest Iowa is the Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network (IEBN) tower northeast of Oakland. The building at the right contains various signal transmission devices and the tower's power…