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Kimballton's Old And Young . . . are represented by Einer Rasmussen and Drauda Norby. Rasmussen, 76, still speaks "Dane" at home. Drauda is a kindergarten student.

Cleaning And Checking . . . film breaks before sending it out on loan is Janet Kellenberger, Deaf Missions librarian. She helps with the technical aspects and cares for the more than 750 materials in the mission library.

The Rev. Duane King of Deaf Missions adds another pin to a map of the United States on the wall in his office at the mission. The pins represent people who have contributed support to the work of Deaf Missions. King and his wife, Peggy, recently…

Photo of sculpture of Abraham Lincoln inside Abraham Lincoln High School, with courtyard in background

Photograph of the front of the old Abraham Lincoln High School building at 5th Avenue and Bluff Street

This model of the first building regularly to be built as a high school for Council Bluffs was constructed by the art classes of Abraham Lincoln high school. The building, located on top of the hill where the Abraham Lincoln athletic field now is…

The Eastside High School...will appear like this architectural drawing--in about seven years. In the first stage only the wing on the right foreground and a portion of the large wing in the rear will be built.

At Golden Reunion...for Class of '14. Art Whitman, left, 101 Greenwood, class treasurer; Ed Spetman, 146 Norton; Mrs. Whitman, class secretary, and Edwing F. Fuller of Glendale, Calif., in front. From left standing are James Leverett of Des Moines,…

"New" is a key word at this educational facility on Bonham Avenue. The statue of Abraham Lincoln is in a new location, the building has a new name and the school has a new principal, Kenneth Kuester, at left. With him are Doug Borman, 11 Kenmore…

"One-hundred Years of Progress" is the title of the plaque the Council Bluffs High School Class of 1928 presented Abraham Lincoln Monday night. It commemorates the school's 2100th anniversary and represents the three buildings which housed the high…

They couldn't find...any 1933 basketball jerseys, so former Abraham Lincoln High School athletes Matt Walsh and Ernie Olson, borrowed some new ones to pose in. Thordis Norregaard Foster assures her fellow classmates they looked just as "neat.." …

Rebecca King
- Photo courtesy of Temple Buell College

Miss America For 1974 . . . Rebecca Ann King, who won her state title as Miss Colorado, poses with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wylie King of Hancock, Iowa; her sister, Mary Grace Paulson; and her brother David; after being crowned in Atlantic City,…

This is a picture of the Wylie King family of Hancock shortly after daughter Rebecca Ann was crowned Miss Americal for 1974. They are brother David, sister Mary Grace Paulson, Mr. and Mrs. King, and Rebecca. - AP Wirephoto

Formulating Plans . . . to erect a 10-foot-tall sign commemorating Hancock's native daughter, Rebecca Ann King, Miss America 1974, are Everett Pittmann, owner of a local cafe who's donated the top of his building, and Mayor Russell Griggs.
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