The Melodies Would Have To Be Pretty . . . coming from the light touch on the keys of the pretty and petite Jerkovich triplets. Judy and Jeanette are at the keyboard as Jane pleasantly awaits her turn on the 88.
Ready, Set, Go . . . the same lineup, Judy, Jeanette and Jane are fleet as deer. they ran in the city track meet Monday on relay teams and the medley 400. The girls did well in track at Gunn School in sixth grade. Prior to that they attended St.…
"The Candyman" . . . and what could be sweeter than three identical sisters dressed like peppermint sticks doing a song and soft shoe to this favorite tune? Can you tell which is Judy, Jeanette and Jane? In that order they presented their number at…
Simple Game . . . of "kick the can" helped spur interest in sports for Jane, Jeanette and Judy Jerkovich, pictured here with their basketball coach Dick McMahon. The triplets, who comprise one-half of St. Albert's team, have helped in the Saintes'…
Somehow summer-like temperatures turn lakes and streams into magnets for anyone whose hand is shaped to fit a fishing pole. Larry Jensen, 400 North Thirty-second street, and Rober Taylor, 1907 Sixth avenue, were lured to the shores of Big Lake to…
At Trouble Spot on North engineers are building a tie-back levee from the hill through Big Lake park and joining the main levee between the North western and Illinois Central railroad tracks.
Cots Fill Abraham Lincoln High School, the main evacuation center set up by the Red Cross. More than 250 evacuees took refuge in this center as the appalling river threatened their homes. Other Red Cross shelters cared for a total of…
Council Bluffs City Councilman Sam Irwin has filed a petition from 26 residents asking the city to install a sidewalk along Madison Avenue from Palmer Avenue to Bennett Avenue. There are currently no sidewalks on either side of Madison Avenue--a…
Dee Jepsen . . . wife of U.S. Sen. Roger Jepsen, R-Iowa, signs a copy of her new book for John Hartog of Carter Lake at the Living Word Wednesday afternoon.
Showing Off His New Bicycle . . . is Wes Jespersen, 102 1/2 W. Broadway. Jespersen was given $110 by Manawa residents in appreciation of his volunteer work in cleaning up litter around the lake. The money was used to buy a new three-speed bicycle.