Browse Items (8026 total)

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This was Broadway Pumping Station in 1882 when West Broadway as little more than a trail through corn fields. Center is the original steam pump house, at left the operator's residence and right the reservoir. This…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Between 1873 and 1880, this building at 144 West Broadway was the harness and saddle factory as well as the home of Frank Riaski, shown here in the doorway.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This was the oldest house west of Fourteenth Street as it appeared in the early 1900s. At 131 S. 15th St., the house was built in 1869 by John Morris, a Union Pacific employe [sic]. Miss Nellie Morris, daughter of the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is the Glendale water reservoir and caretaker's house as they appeared before 1900. The original residence had two stories. Water for the house was drawn by bucket from the reservoir, according to Harry Pfeiffer,…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--On De. 15, 1908, it was Omaha Day at the National Horticultural Congress being held at the Council Bluffs Auditorium. Note the autos of those day, the wooden bridge across Indian Creek, at right, and fancy trim on the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Another carriage factory is shown at 129 West Broadway back in 1886. This plant was the first carriage factory of E. T. Waterman, who later moved to N. Main St. The picture comes from Mrs. Edna Holst, 202 Stutsman…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1881, at the head of Glen Ave., and just under the Glendale reservoir, stood the "gate house." The small brick building housed the valve control that took care of water from the reservoir of the City Water Works.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1884 when carriage factories were common business in Council Bluffs, E.T. Waterman operated this one at 45 N. Main St. here Waterman, with his crew, and two of his fancy models are pictured in front of the factory.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1898, this building at No. 6 Pearl St. was occupied by the Morris Railroad Shoe House. The operator, William C. Morris, is in the doorway. Note the window reflection of the old Council Bluffs Savings Bank,…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is Bechtele's European Hotel as it stood at 336-338 W. Broadway, around 1885. A hand card on the hotel reads "Streetcars pass the door to and from all trains." Broadway was a dirt road. This old picture belongs…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--"Big Mary," as the old time horse drawn ladder wagon of the Council Bluffs Fire Department was known among firemen, posed in front of the old Number 4 fire station at First St. and Broadway in 1888.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--About 70 years ago at 529 South Main St. was the first of Holst & Appel, a combination grocery store and bar room, with Jacob Appel, proprietor. Jacob was the father of Bernie Appel, 223 Stutsman St., who turned up in…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Bloomer School building at the corner of Willow Ave. and South Seventh St., is shown as it appeared on the original dedication program of August 26, 1881. Accompanying this picture of the new school was the program and,…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is Broadway as it appeared in 1969, according to a penciled note on the original stereo view card. Shown is the section between Market and Madison Streets, now N. Second and N. First Streets. A check of old city…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Schultz and Hill Wagon and Blacksmith Shop at corner of Fifth Ave. and Fourth St. in 1882, was complete with fancy gas street lamp and lots of manpower. This old print belongs to Roy Rasmussen, 1335 Fairmount Ave.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Corner of Stutsman and Platners Streets in 1882 was the site of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adolf at 219 Stutsman. Complete with dirt street, picket fence, the old one story house was moved around the corner to a…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back 1bout 1886, the Rasmussen Wall Paper Store occupied this one story brick building at 14 S. Main. With Ole Rasmussen, right, the owner, are Chris Johnsen, center, a paperhanger, and Julius Petersen, a painter. This…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Three years ago, this tract at Twelfth St. and Broadway was a project in civic enterprise. Through the efforts of Robert W. Turner, banker, and the park department the weed-covered area was converted into this…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1888 before the Grand Hotel was built, the residence of James T. Lee, left, and D.C. Arkwright, 526 and 520 First Ave., faced Bayliss Park. This sketch was drawn by Gail Connelly, 3325 Avenue B, as a section of an…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--When J.F Wilcox first started in the greenhouse business on East Pierce St., shortly before the turn of the century, this is how it looked. Only a few greenhouses and a large vineyard covered the east slope in the 1100…
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