Gab sessions . . are an unofficial part of a lot of meetings. Glen Hammer, Warren Voght and Robert Reimer find some humorous items in a copy of the Forty and Eight. --Nonpareil Photos.
Firemen check the roof of the American Legion Club, 23 1/2 Pearl St., which was damaged by fire and smoke Saturday afternoon. Remodeling and redecorating was completed last week as result of a fire last November. Story on page 1B. --Nonpareil Photo.
It looks delicious . . .agree Mrs. Glenwood Long, state American Legion auxiliary president; Don Miles, local American Legion Commander, and Mrs. Douglas Neve, local auxiliary president. They're looking over a birthday cake. -- Nonpareil photo.
Honored for service . . .four members of Rainbow Post 2, American Legion, chat with Donald Johnson, former national commander, center. The recipients of lifetime memberships are, from left : Harry Cohen, John Leroy Peterson, E.D. Christensen and…
Birthday festivities . . .to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the American Legion are discussed by Herk Sollazzo, senior vice commander, and H. H. "Bud" Sheiry, junior vice commander of Rainbow Post 2. --Nonpareil Photo.