Browse Items (8024 total)

256 Vine.tif
Three photographs of 256 Vine St.

255 Vine.tif
Four photographs of 255 Vine St.- Standard station.

250 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 250 Vine St.

Gab sessions . . are an unofficial part of a lot of meetings. Glen Hammer, Warren Voght and Robert Reimer find some humorous items in a copy of the Forty and Eight. --Nonpareil Photos.

248 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 248 Vine St.

Firemen check the roof of the American Legion Club, 23 1/2 Pearl St., which was damaged by fire and smoke Saturday afternoon. Remodeling and redecorating was completed last week as result of a fire last November. Story on page 1B. --Nonpareil Photo.

246 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 246 Vine St.

244 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 244 Vine St.

241 243 245 Vine.tif
Photographs of 241, 243, 245 Vine Street.

237 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 237 Vine St.

It looks delicious . . .agree Mrs. Glenwood Long, state American Legion auxiliary president; Don Miles, local American Legion Commander, and Mrs. Douglas Neve, local auxiliary president. They're looking over a birthday cake. -- Nonpareil photo.

236+ Vine.tif
Two photographs of 236 1/2 Vine St.

236 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 236 Vine St.

232 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 232 Vine St.

231 233 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 231 - 233 Vine St.

223+ Vine.tif
Two photographs of laundromat at 223 1/2 Vine St.

Honored for service . . .four members of Rainbow Post 2, American Legion, chat with Donald Johnson, former national commander, center. The recipients of lifetime memberships are, from left : Harry Cohen, John Leroy Peterson, E.D. Christensen and…

223 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 223 Vine St.

Birthday festivities . . .to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the American Legion are discussed by Herk Sollazzo, senior vice commander, and H. H. "Bud" Sheiry, junior vice commander of Rainbow Post 2. --Nonpareil Photo.

221 Vine.tif
Two photographs of 221 Vine. St.
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