Riverside Congregation . . . of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has completed the exterior of its church. Only landscaping and parking areas are left to be done. The church is located at Twenty-sixth Street and Avenue G.
This Sketch . . . reveals the plan for a new Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Council Bluffs. Cannon and Mullen of Salt Lake City, Utah are the architects.
Bishop Edward C. Daly...wields trowel at St. Albert's cornerstone laying. With the bishop are Dr. J.P. Cogley, general chairman of the fund drive, the Very Rev. Albert Davidsaver of Missouri Valley, acting superintendent during the school's…
Adjusting The Thermostat . . . in the chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Lewis Wylie, the church's custodian, while Mrs. Ann Lutz, watches the procedure. Mrs. Lutz is meeting house librarian for the church.
Extracting Names . . . and other data from microfilm which dates back to 1837 in Germany are Mrs. Lola Mallory, 358 N. 1st St. and Mrs. Sandra Rice, Route 2.