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aerial photo. looking west, of future site of I-480 bridge

Big Sign Tells Motorists...where to turn from eastbound Broadway to reach Second Avenue via new connection near Thirty-sixth Street. Nonpareil photo by Jack Kennedy.

No More Dark Pasages...on Interstate 480 Bridge

Looking At First Pier...completed for the Interstate Highway 80 bridge over the Missouri River here is James Presnell, resident construction engineer for the Iowa Highway Commission.

Bridge (Interstate 480) Over Missouri River, C.B. to Omaha

Document commemorating 75 Years of continuous affiliation of Local 15, Council Bluffs, IA Fire Department.

100 Block of West Broadway Commerical District NR Designation_201312201417455396.pdf
Applications for National Register of Historic Places for sites in Council Bluffs. Sites include St. Peter's Church, Chevra Bnai Yisroel Synagogue, Lincoln/Fairview Historic District, Willow/Bluff Street Historic District, 100 Block of West Broadway,…

CB_CD_1911 ocr.pdf
Polk-McAvoy's Council Bluffs City Directory, 1911.

Embracing a complete alphabetical list of business firms and private citizens; a miscellaneous directory of city and county officials, churches, public and private schools, banks, asylums,…

CB_CD_1912 pt.1ocr.pdf
Polk-McAvoy's Council Bluffs City Directory, 1912.

Embracing a complete alphabetical list of business firms and private citizens; a miscellaneous directory of city and county officials, churches, public and private schools, banks, asylums,…

CB_CD_1913 ocr.pdf
Polk-McAvoy's Council Bluffs City Directory, 1913.

Embracing a complete alphabetical list of business firms and private citizens; a miscellaneous directory of city and county officials, churches, public and private schools, banks, asylums,…

CB_CD_1914 ocr.pdf
Polk-McAvoy's Council Bluffs City Directory, 1914.

Embracing a complete alphabetical list of business firms and private citizens; a miscellaneous directory of city and county officials, churches, public and private schools, banks, asylums,…

photo of church building, barn-like structure with white siding. Photo has been edited in the area of the grounds and curb, and parts of the foundation.

photo of front of church building, framed by trees

This Is The Sketch...drawn by Architect I.T. Carrithers for the remodeling and construction project planned and Broadway Christian Church. Paving bricks from Broadway may be used in part of the building.

An Unusual the rough concrete pattern on the church exterior. The Rev. Fred Coley and W.D. Shadwick, chairman of the building committee, examine the design.

The new Broadway Christian Twenty-seventh St. and Avenue A. The $90,000 sanctuary is on the right,m adjoining the old remodeled church.

A Simple And Attractive Design...makes up the interior of the sanctuary. Blocks of cedar paneling cover the front wall. Pulpits are at either side of the center aisle. The sanctuary has a seating capacity of 325.

New Parsonage...of Broadway Christian Church is accented with large panel windows, white shingles and green roof.

Taking Last mortgage of sanctuary are the Rev. Benny Boling, Jr. Jess Jenkins and Mrs. Fred Coley

Primary now an attractive, roomy area for study and play. James Amend and the Rev. Benny Boling proudly check to be sure everything is ready for classes Sunday.
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