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  • Tags: ymca

Queen Karen and King Gerald receive congratulations from the king's daughter, Mrs. Lester Roberts; Mrs. Kirn; and sons Dr. George J. and Harald Kirn.

Acting Postmaster Thomas Healy represents Council Bluffs postal employees in paying tribute to Gerald W. Kirn. He vacated the postmaster's job Dec. 29 after 21 months of service. Kirn received a briefcase and scroll signed by employees in a ceremony…

Mr. G.W. Kirn, former Council Bluffs school master, attests to his signature on a will of the late Drew Pearson, Washington newspaper columnist who died last month. Pearson, who spoke before Southwest Iowa Teachers here on Oct. 13, 1938, died leaving…

Three postcards depicting the original Council Bluffs YMCA Building.

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New YMCA.tif
"New YMCA on 4th St."


YMCA site.tif
YMCA site, Mercantile Bank site foreground.

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