Pacific Junction is becoming the end of the line for many of the Burlington Railroad's old steam locomotives which have been crowded off the road by modern diesel units. The steamers are brought to the marshalling yards at Pacific Junction where…
Interstate 80 will soon be stretching further north with recent contracts led by the Iowa Highway Commission. Doted [sic] lines show the graded route of the superroad. Completed pavement (1) extends from near Weston (2) to Highway 375 in Council…
Used as a working locomotive and a symbol of America's approaching 200th Birthday, this Illinois Central engine stopped in Council Bluffs Friday night and Saturday. Mrs. Cleo Hardymartin, 542 Franklin Ave., and her family were among those inspecting…
Scattered At fatal train wreck near Pacific Junction, empty coal cars of parked train lie jumbled with those of northbound train that hit it. Five units of the 100-car parked train and 12 of the 110-car northbound train derailed in the…
Where The New Levee Goes - This map designates the location of the Missouri river levee south of Council Bluffs and the three governing bodies under whom it will fall. These bodies have the responsibility of providing land for levee right-of-way and…
Detour Routes...will be constructed on either side of the Union Pacific's tracks at this location to allow train passage while Iowa Highway Commission contractors build an underpass for Interstate 29--from the top down!--Nonpareil Photo.
Now ice bound . . . this section of the Missouri River will become a part of the DeSoto Ben Lake after a new river channel is cut by Army Engineers. Timbered area to right will become a wildlife refuge. --Nonpareil Photo.
Photographic reproduction shows an etching of Broadway street in Council Bluffs (Iowa) as it looked in 1851; features street, wagon traffic, cattle, and signs: "U. S. Land Office," "Council Bluffs Bugle," and "Outfitting Goods."
Studying The Bible...are the five trustees and founders of the Church of Christ at 2310 Fourth Ave. They are, standing, from left: Ray Hansen, Paul Clark, Lauren Kersten, and Leon James. Robert York is seated.
Conducting French Class . . . using flash cards is Mrs. J. D. Hennessy. "Pupils" are Michael, Brian, Jimmie, Lynne, Pat, Dr. Hennessy with Karen on his lap, Laurel and June.
Photograph reproduction of the engraving, Entrance to Kanesville. Illustration was done on site in 1853 for the book Route From Liverpool to Great Salt Lake Valley.
Danger Lurks . . . in the air over Council Bluffs in the form of both large and small aircraft landing at nearby Eppley Airfield, say some city officials. They are concerned with the possibility of a mid-air collision over the city, similar to the…
Wreckage . . of the plane which carried five persons to their deaths late Sunday night at Omaha's Eppley Airfield lies covered with snow just south of several relay stations. The plane apparently struck a Missouri River dike while on approach to the…