Browse Items (7727 total)

Photograph of Covalt's Concert Band at Lake Manawa.

Pouring Molten Steel . . . into manhole cover forms are M.L. McMiller, Omaha, at the ladle handle and three other Katelman Foundry steelworkers. The liquid reaches 2800 degrees before the men fill their 35 to 40 daily molds. When completed, the rings…

Plans Are Created . . . by company draftsmen for a variety of manhole covers. This sketch is part of a two-inch thick book of cover designs.

After It Is Molded . . . this is how the design above looks. This cover is at Mynster and Seventh Streets.

The Katelman Name . . . is found on most manhole covers around town. Some give pedestrians a friendly "clank" when walked on.

A Beehive Cover . . . allows excess water to enter the opening below but strains out such undesirables as weeds and sticks.

Preparing A Cap . . . to stop the steel flowing from the cupola into the ladle is Willie Riley, Omaha. The steel worker uses a sand mixture similar to what the molds are made of to stop the molten steel flow each time the ladle is ready.

City Hall saw a little activity Friday morning as a crane owned by Paulson Construction Company of Council Bluffs lifted an air conditioning unit into place atop the "penthouse."

Crash scene...spectators view the damaged two-seater airplane. Note the piece of wing, ripped from the plane. The craft hit the power pole before crashing to the ground.

Director Nels Hanse, Treasurer Lucille Morris, and Deputy Glen Haynes, team up to perform duties that previously required the servies of five employees.

Demolished Diesel Unit...lies on its side along Burlington Railroad at wreck scene. Nonpareil photo by Don Patton.

Tracks...were bent into half circle by the big engines as they plowed up several hundred yards of rails and ties.

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This stray ivy plant has taken root near the top of the clock tower at Broadway Methodist Church, First Street and Broadway. And you can credit the birds, who probably carried a seed or piece of vine to the tower. The plant, on the north side of…

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Photo reproduction of an engraving of the Creston House Hotel.

Blasting President Carter...for his lack of leadership and "disastrous" foreign policy, California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., predicted in Council Bluffs Friday a wide open race for the Democratic nomination. Nonpareil photo by Jim Ebert.

A Car Crossing...the railroad on Washboard Road must be within 11 feet of the rail before the driver's line of sight is clear to the curve east of the intersection.

Pedestrian Crossings . . . and the sidewalks leading to them at the recently opened intersection of Broadway and Relocated Highway 6 are shown by the heavy black lines in this map prepared by the Police Department. All crossings are controlled by…

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Photograph of a crowd gathered at a train depot to witness troops from Council Bluffs (Iowa) leave for Des Moines (Iowa) on their way to the Philippines.

Still a reader . . . after 75 years, Harry Crowl Sr. reflects on his memories as a library patron. He was 10 years old when the building was dedicated, he said. Schools in Crowl's student days had fewer study materials for students, so many classes…
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