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New Super Highway To Spare Dodge Park - Plans For Ball Diamond Out, But . . .
The Tentative Route . . . of the proposed Interstate Highway through west Council Bluffs is shown by dotted lines. The "X" indicates the point where a new park was to be located.
New Store Plans Opening
Bill Clark, manager of the new B.F. Goodrich store at Broadway and Twenty-fifth Street, said Saturday the store's grand opening will be the first week in December. The store is presently open for business.
New Sheriff Assessing Job - 'Appreciative Of Support'
Sheriff Mike Kerns . . . examines a floral greeting he received from Lt. Kerry Cozad and his wife, Janet. It's a giant chrysanthemum designed to represent Sheriff Kerns - complete with glasses, a badge and a light dusting of gray "hair."
New School Will Face Scott St.; Proposed Building to Cost $475,000
Catching Rain Washington School is Joseph G. Basch, 2121 Avenue A., custodian. Students have to walk around the buckets on raining days.
New School
Nearing completion is the new Glendale School in Garner Township. Work was started by C.C. Larson on the $65,000 structure in November. Completion date is set for the Aug. 28 school opening.
New Sanctuary For Old Church
Picking Out Hymns . . . for Sunday's dedication service are the Rev. Richard D. Hogan, pastor of the First Christian Church, and organist Berneil Hanson. Some of the pipes from the 1,800-pipe Wicks Organ in the sanctuary can be seen in the…
New Restaurant:
A ribbon-cutting ceremony officially opens King's Food Host here Monday. At the event are John Kerry, manager; Douglas Peters, Chamber of Commerce president; Henry Kaufman, public relations manager; and Mayor Eldon Evans. The restaurant at 317 W.…
Tags: CB Restaurants, King's Food Host
New Restaurant Opening Planned
Ready To Open . . . is King's Food Host, which has done extensive remodeling on it s building, an old theater.
Tags: CB Restaurants, King's Food Host
New Rest Stops Thoroughly Modern - Loveland Spot On Interstate 80
Inside Looking Out . . . is attendant Bob Millett, who checks tourist information on folding display board at the Loveland rest stop on Interstate 80. From this workshop he can view the parking area, still coated in winter white, through the window.
New Rest Areas
Travelers along Interstate Highway 29 just south of Council Bluffs take a breather during their driving at one of the two newly opened rest area facilities. Each includes restrooms, picnic areas and a tourist information guide, showing travelers…
New Power House Construction
Photograph of "the new power house" under construction. Taken July 10, 1898 in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Tags: 1898, photograph, power house, power plant
New Power For CGW
Edward T. Reity, president of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, accepts delivery of one of eight powerful new diesels the line is placing into service this month from R.L. Terrell (on left), vice president of General Motors and general…
New Pool, Fountain May Bubble By Fall
Bayliss Park Fountain...will send a frothy film of water 40 feet into the air, then decorate it with lesser jet streams and bubblers. This is an artist's concept of how the project will look when plaza, planters and walks are completed. Park Board…
New Plate Features Dodge
A Dodge House Collector's Plate . . . is now available in the gift store at the Gen. Dodge House. The plate features pictures relating to Gen. Dodge, his life and his work.
Tags: Dodge House
New Outpatient Concept For Patients At Jennie
Serving Coffee . . . in lounge to an oncology patient's husband, Arthur C. Woolman of Oakland, is Wanda Hessel, a Jennie Edmundson Hospital volunteer.
New Offices
Motive power and car shops offices have been combined in new quarters at the Chicago and North Western Railroad diesel shop building on Avenue G. Miss Letha Wadley, general clerk, works at her desk. Former quarters occupied by the two offices were…
New Ministers At Two C.B. Churches
The Rev. Lowell L. Lubben . . . and wife Dorothy are noting duties at their new church, Faith Lutheran.
New Minister Arrives At First Christian Church - First Sermon Sunday
Admiring End Table . . . is Pastor Richard D. Hogan, his wife, and children, David, Dan and Diane. The table was made for them by Mrs. Hogan's father.
New Machine Does Blood Count Tests
Operating Machine . . . which makes complete and accurate blood count is Dr. M.H. Kulesh and Miss Rannells Phyliss at Jennie Edmundson Hospital.