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Council Bluffs Changing Scene: After a "good" storm in 1925, Indian Creek looked like this in the vicinity of Ninth Street. Debris and logs were piled high. This photo by Kenneth I. Wolfe, 1030 N. Broadway, looks northeast from Ninth Street and…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is the home of Ed Rogers, 533 Willow Ave., as it appeared in 1910. At that time, Rogers was the proprietor of a well known saloon on Broadway. At left is the Public Library; at right, another old residence. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is the Grand Hotel, as it is pictured on a postcard dated 1915. The hotel burned in 1925, along with several other buildings in the 100 block on Pearl St. This picture is from a postal card collection of Arthur…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: The old Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Tenth Ave. and Twenty-first St. was a busy place at the time this picture was made. Not only mail was transferred in the open sheds at left, but cross-country passengers as…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: About 1924, this was the view looking north from atop the Standard Oil Co. building at Sixteenth Ave. and Third St. Foreground is the Turner Silo Co. In background is the Chicago Great Western Railroad yards, with…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Some 47 years ago, this is how Broadway looked from Sixth Street to the east. At the left is the Revere Hotel; at right is the L. C. Brackett bookstore. Note the sporty model roadster. This view appeared on a…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This was the home of former Mayor W.R. Vaughan, 148 W. Washington Ave., as it was shown in the Illustrated Atlas of Pottawattamie county, 1885. The old atlas belongs to Charles M. Roe, 515 Huntington Ave.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is the St. Francis Academy, as it appeared in the Illustrated Atlas of Pottawattamie County published in 1885. The school, at Fifth Ave. and Seventh St., was founded as a private institution by the Sisters of…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: There wasn't much to attract the eye when this photograph was taken by James F. McQueen, 100 Third St., in November of 1954. Looking west from Franklin Avenue, just north of Bennett Avenue, a person saw acres of…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Taken about 1920, just a few years before the structure burned down, this picture shows the roller coaster which thrilled thousands of people every year in the old Manawa amusement park. It stood at the northwest…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: From a postal card dated 1910 comes this view of St. John's Lutheran Church at Seventh St. and Willow Ave. The photo was furnished by Don Jones of 2422 Avenue F.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Ready to deliver a new kitchen stove in his wagon is Sherman Sellers. This old picture was made at the intersection of Main St. and First Ave. in 1898 and came from L.R. Sellers of Route 1, a brother of Sherman. In…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: The third annual National Horticultural Congress was in full swing here back in 1909, when this picture was taken. The building, which later became known as the City Auditorium, was especially erected for the show. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: After a cloudburst in the 1920s this was the view near the intersection of Harrison and Hall Streets. Paving bricks were washed down the hill and the subgrade melted as shown in the photo taken from the south by Lou…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Pottawattamie County's second Courthouse--replacing one constructed of logs--was built in 1866 at a cost of $42,000. It had a short life of 18 years. In 1883 a grand jury declared the basement jail unfit for…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Just last November this was the west side of Fourth Street between First Ave. and Broadway. Building wreckers were moving in to clear the block for a city parking garage. Most of the structures dated well back into…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: This is the south side of Broadway looking west from Main Street as it appeared in 1903. In the foreground is the First National Bank Building and behind it the four-story Council Bluffs Savings Bank. The…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: In the early 1900s, this building at 612-18 S. Main St. housed the local warehouse of the Minneapolis Threshing Machine Comp. At that time it was one of many farm implement companies housed along South Main Street. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: The return of the 51st Regiment of Iowa Volunteers in November 1899, was photographed at the corner of Willow Avenue and Pearl Street. Residences in the background, from left to right, were the homes of W.H.M. Pusey,…
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