Notes written on drawing:
3. Indian Mission
2. Sarpy's new home
1. Sarpy's old home
P. Sarpy Indian Agent, "Omaha" tribe of Indiana whose village was near Bellevue
Caption: Congregational Church erected in 1854 & 1855 on Pearl St. ground now occupied by [...] block begun in Aug 1854 and finished in Spring of 1855. Vacated Sept. 12, 1869.
Drawing of the home of Sylvanus Dodge. Caption:
NE Corner 4th St. & North St.
Home of Sylvanus Dodge (D 1871) and his widow Julia Dodge (D 1888) and of N. P. Dodge 1858-1864. Erected in 1858 & occupied by Mrs. J. T. Dodge.
First Grist Mill in Pott County built by S E ... for Pott tribe of Indians, located on Mosquito Creek, afterwards known as Parks Mill. Sketches in 1854. Rebuilt in 1852.