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A Visitor's View . . . of the Ward Folsom home takes in an attractive collection of original oil paintings. This view from the front parlor covers the second parlor and, at the far end, the dining room. The fireplace was added long after the house…

The Historic Home . . . of Mr. and Mrs. Folsom is the patriarch of all homes along Third St. Built more than a century ago, it dates back to the days when Council Bluffs was a struggling frontier settlement.

Fine Carved Wood . . . adds a rich luster to the impressive interior of the Joern home. This is the inviting view that greets visitors in the reception hall.

Wood Paneled Dining Room . . . is a colorful combination of red oak and expensive accessories. All furnishings in this room are original.

A Rugged Survivor . . . of the gay nineties sits like an impregnable fortress on Oakland Ave. It's the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Joern.

Tile From Italy . . . was used in the fireplace of the larger parlor. The soft brown colors of the tile reflected the warmth of the fire.

From The Formal Parlor . . . at the front of the home, another parlor and the dining room at the rear are separated by archways.

The Pink House . . . gained its name when an owner painted it a soft pink around 1900. Built in 1870, it is now owned by J.S. Day.

Changing_Scene_1957_12_29_1957_091.jpg the same block on Harrison Street bricks have stood up under many years of storms and heavy traffic. The route has become a main thoroughfare to a growing section of the city. Along the way, too, the appearance of the street has changed…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: After a cloudburst in the 1920s this was the view near the intersection of Harrison and Hall Streets. Paving bricks were washed down the hill and the subgrade melted as shown in the photo taken from the south by Lou…

Today...the old City Auditorium has lost all its glamor. While the balcony seats are still in place, the main floor is cluttered and crowded with post office equipment. The building at North Main St. and Washington Ave. has been used as the…

Today...the scene looking west on First Avenue, from Main Street, shows many changes. The "horsepower" is now confined to automobiles and trucks. Hotel Chieftain has replaced the old Grand Hotel, which burned more than 39 years ago. Some buildings…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Ready to deliver a new kitchen stove in his wagon is Sherman Sellers. This old picture was made at the intersection of Main St. and First Ave. in 1898 and came from L.R. Sellers of Route 1, a brother of Sherman. In…

Today...while there have been only minor changes on the exterior of the church, a sizable building program has added a new pastor's residence and educational unit, extreme right. The church's interior also has been remodeled and redecorated.,

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: From a postal card dated 1910 comes this view of St. John's Lutheran Church at Seventh St. and Willow Ave. The photo was furnished by Don Jones of 2422 Avenue F.

Today...viewed from the newly paved county road, which has replaced the north and main entrance to the park, the site--like most of the park area--has become a residential development.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Taken about 1920, just a few years before the structure burned down, this picture shows the roller coaster which thrilled thousands of people every year in the old Manawa amusement park. It stood at the northwest…

Traditional Furniture . . . in the "second" parlor fits into the atmosphere of a century ago. Mrs. Albert Peterson stands by one of her most valued articles, a hutch cabinet made of pine.

Comfortable Living Room . . . takes its theme from the warm combination of an attractive fireplace and big windows. Light fixture on the ceiling, now converted to electricity, has been in the room since the house was built.
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