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  • Tags: Missouri River

Group of unidentified men.

Group of unidentified boys in front of Abraham Lincoln High School.

Group of unidentified men.

Loading sandbags.

Two men moving boxes.

Unidentified men examining a map.

Group of men watching a card game.

Some trusses of the old Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge between Council Bluffs and Omaha on the Missouri Rive were cut loose Friday and lowered to barges moored below. On the other side of the bridge a truss was lowered by the crane mounted on one of the barges.…

Superstructure . . . of the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge has gained a short reprieve from destruction due to weak members. -- Nonpareil Photo.

All but gone . . . is the section of bridge from the Iowa side, out to the first pier in the Missouri River. These large barges will be used in the salvage work. The pier will be saved to serve as a foundation for a proposed two-story office building…

The remains of the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge came a step closer to obliteration Thursday. Crews continued blasting the bridge's piers, shown behind the crane barge, to bring them down near water level. Truman Ferguson, superintendent of the demolition job,…

Ak-Bridge scene . . .won't be changing much in the next few months as decisions are made on how to get rid of the last 400-foot long center span. Several plans have been offered. --Nonpareil Photo.

The fallen giant . . . was being cut up for scrap shortly after the blast by workmen for Allied Structural Steel of Hammond, Ind. The sight caused a minor traffic jam on the I-480 bridge as motorists stopped to take a look.

Old and new Missouri River bridges

Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge demolition

This pix was taken before 1913, perhaps near the turn of the century, said Mrs. Wilson. John F. Allen, tollmaster.

The Douglas street bridge, which Council Bluffs voters refused to purchase for $2,500,000 last Nov. 6 was sold by the tram and bridge companies Monday to the Ak-Sar-Ben organization in Omaha for $2,350.00. Tram company officials made the deal with…

Looking north . . .across the Ox Bow Lake proposal. Dotted line at lower left indicates the approximate course the Missouri River channel would take. Land area in center would became wildlife refuge. Sealed off river loop would become a lake.

Guests examine . . . the entrance to the new visitor center that was opened Saturday at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. The center houses artifacts from the steamboat Bertrand that sank in the Missouri River in 1865 and recovered in 1969. Gov.…
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