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Know Your Scenes:
A tile design on the front of a comparatively new building in Council Bluffs takes on the appearance of an oversize mechanical man. Do you know what building this design is on?
Answer: The design is on the front of the new DeForest School,…
Answer: The design is on the front of the new DeForest School,…
Tags: DeForest School, Know Your Scenes
Know Your Scenes:
In the past 70-odd years, this jungle of steel has watched the human race go by in everything from a surrey to a sports car. In its career, it has been acclaimed, accused, admired and avoided. Can you identify it?
Answer: The superstructure of…
Answer: The superstructure of…
Know Your Scenes:
The glowering characters at the top of the picture guard the entrance to a busy downtown center of finance. Can you identify the building?
Answer: The City National Bank Building, 500 W. Broadway.
Answer: The City National Bank Building, 500 W. Broadway.
Know Your Scenes:
Few buildings in town can rival this downtown specimen for fancy architecture. But most of the looking is done inside. Can you name it?
Answer: The Strand Theater Bldg., 554 W. Broadway.
Answer: The Strand Theater Bldg., 554 W. Broadway.
Tags: Know Your Scenes, Strand Theater
Know Your Scenes:
These dormer windows are part of a downtown office building that has none of the usual features of downtown office buildings. It more closely resembles a country estate. Can you locate the building?
Answer: The windows decorate the top of 14…
Answer: The windows decorate the top of 14…
Tags: Know Your Scenes
Know Your Scenes:
If you're familiar with the more outstanding cemetery monuments, you should be able to identify this unusual specimen. It's all there. The apparently damaged column actually is a symbol. Can you identify the monument?
Answer: The monument is in…
Answer: The monument is in…
Tags: Know Your Scenes, Masons Monument
Know Your Scenes:
The fancy grill work and the round windows are part of the trademark near the top of a downtown store building. Can you identify it?
Answer: Western Auto Store Bldg., 216 W. Broadway.
Answer: Western Auto Store Bldg., 216 W. Broadway.
Tags: Know Your Scenes, Western Auto
Know Your Scenes:
The bronze Bible mounted atop this graceful stone base, overlooks one of the most beautiful scenes around Council Bluffs. A sight to behold during any season of the year. Do you know where it is?
Answer: The bronze Bible and monument are a feature…
Answer: The bronze Bible and monument are a feature…
Know Your Scenes:
This is the entrance to a chapel that caters mainly to children. The old building is in the heart of a dedicated project that has gained a nationwide reputation for good works. Can you identify it?
Answer: The entrance to the chapel at Christian…
Answer: The entrance to the chapel at Christian…
Tags: Christian Home, Know Your Scenes
Know Your Scenes:
The trim, simple lines of this building belie its importance to the city. Hundreds of Council Bluffs families depend on it for every glass of water they drink. Can you identify it?
Answer: The Mount Lincoln water pumping station, Lawton Terrace…
Answer: The Mount Lincoln water pumping station, Lawton Terrace…
Know Your Scenes:
This delicate sample of scroll work in concrete has been decorating the top of a popular downtown doorway in Council Bluffs since the mid-1920s. Where is it?
Answer: Above the south entrance to Hotel Chieftain. Beyond the latticed window is the…
Answer: Above the south entrance to Hotel Chieftain. Beyond the latticed window is the…
Tags: Hotel Chieftain, Know Your Scenes
Know Your Scenes:
If this were Cape Canaveral, you might be looking at the departing end of the latest moon bound skyrocket. It's a prominent part of the local landscape. Can you identify it?
Answer: The water tower between Gleason Avenue and Memorial Park…
Answer: The water tower between Gleason Avenue and Memorial Park…
Tags: Know Your Scenes
Know Your Scenes:
The poet Longfellow coined the sentiment inscribed on this popular summertime destination for thirsty citizens. Longfellow had a weary traveler in mind when he invited him to "drink of this fountain pure and sweet." Council Bluffs residents and…
Tags: Know Your Scenes, Lakeview Park
Know Your Scenes:
A lot of water has flowed down Indian Creek since this slab of concrete was poured in 1938. It marked the end of three years of construction designed to protect the heart of the city against floods. Can you identify the marker?
Answer: The tablet…
Answer: The tablet…
Tags: Indian Creek, Know Your Scenes
Know Your Scenes:
The modernistic figure with the muscles, holding a sickle in one hand and a wheel in the other, typifies the agricultural and industrial resources of Southwest Iowa. Can you identify the carving?
Answer: The carving is on the west side of the…
Answer: The carving is on the west side of the…
Know Your Scenes:
This fancy cornice, a holdover from the era of gingerbread, is part of a downtown Broadway landmark. Oldtimers will associate it with the old Neumayer Hotel. Do you know the present name and location of the building?
Answer: The fancy architecture…
Answer: The fancy architecture…
Know Your Scenes In Council Bluffs:
Viewed from this angle, an observer might expect King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table to come dashing out of the doors of this bastion? The building was constructed in the 1880s as part of the public school system. What is it?
Know Your Scenes:
Two bronze markers recall the Illinois Central Railroad's centennial celebration in 1951. They are displayed on a building within easy eye distance of Broadaway. Can you locate them?
Answer: The bronze discs are on the south side of the Illinois…
Answer: The bronze discs are on the south side of the Illinois…
Know Your Scenes In Council Bluffs:
Once this was the entrance to a showplace family residence, later it became the headquarters for a group of women engaged in religious work. The gates now lead to a girls' academy. Where is it?
Answer: The Broadway entrance to Mount Loretto…
Answer: The Broadway entrance to Mount Loretto…
Know Your Scenes In Council Bluffs:
It took 5 days to erect this monument in 1939. Towering 56 feet above the ground, it commemorates an incident in railroad history that had a vital effect on the development of Council Bluffs. The late Jack Boyne, city engineer, designed the monument.…