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Today buildings have replaced those of the 1890s. At 16 N. Main St. is a loan company office. And the American Red Cross offices occupy the space 1t 18 N. Main. Of course there are no horses and wagons.
Today...the area appears like this from atop the hill at the end of Clark Avenue, the nearest high spot left in the district. About the only identifying feature that can be compared to the old photo is the portion of the clay bank, upper right, on…
Tags: High School Avenue
Today...the same buildings have kept up with the times, with a series of renovations and remodeling. The most recent remodeling was that of the building at the extreme right, following a fire several years agao.
Today...the Iowa Liquor Store has been transformed from the old three-story building to a modern face two-story affair. To the left is the Council Bluffs Gas Co. building. And instead of hitching posts along the sidewalk, parking meters dot the way.
Today...the Dahl Battery and Tire Co. is now located at 337 W. Broadway, which is a new building since the older picture was made. The Dahl building is flanked on one side by a cleaning business and the other by a youngsters [sic] clothing shop.…
Today...the barn has been replaced with this two-story frame building, which houses the Leeper Motor Co. The large frame house at the left is the same which appeared in the 1900 photo, but it has been replaced with brick material.
Today...a few buildings remain the same as in the 1918 photo. For the most part, however, remodeling and new buildings have kept up with the times.
Today...the new warehouse of Continental-Keller Furniture Co. stands on the same ground. This is a long one-story fireproof building. It replaces a warehouse that burned in 1952.
Today...the same block is used for garage and auto service including the spaces used as a stable in the 1923 photo. However, the modern one-story buildings replace the old two-story section.
Today...firefighters spent part of their day furthering their knowledge and education with the department's drillmaster. Studying hydraulics in the modern kitchen at Station No. 1 are Capt. Mike Gillman, left, driver L.L. Miller, drillmaster Jack…
Today...from the roof of Iowa Power and Light office building we see considerable change. Some buildings have been torn out, others remodeled, and still others with additions added. Scott St. appears at upper right
Today...the church faces S. Sixth St., slightly southwest of the original site. According to history, St. Paul's was the first stone church building in the city, the present church being completed in 1886. This is the 100th year of St. Paul's in…
Today...looking south on Main Street from Willow Avenue , the city hall, extreme right, predominates the scene. The old livery building, center is used as a warehouse, and the old McAtee grocery is a county office building.
Today...alongside the Ogden Hotel stands a modern version of the taxis that ply the streets of the city, with traffic patrolman J.P. Tighe standing in just for the picture. Cab driver is Robert Hettinger, 2837 S. 7th St.
Tags: cabs, J.P. Tighe, Ogden Hotel, Robert Hettinger, taxis
Today...on the fourth anniversary of the flood threat, it's a different story. Instead of a surplus of water, the lack of moisture is the topic for conversation, and business goes on at normal amid dust instead of mud.
Today...Ninth and Broadway has a different look, with the completion of the viaduct that stretches over seven blocks, rising high above ninth [sic] St. Site of the Tremont House is now partially covered by the viaduct, the other ground being graded…
Today...while Indian Creek is covered and runs within concrete walls, the bridge at Frank St. is the same as for the past 50 years. The houses and garage at right are the same. Only the trees have changed. The old picture was identified and dated…
Tags: Bridges, Frank Street, Indian Creek
Today...there is hardly any comparison with the 70-year-old picture. Pearl and Broadway has a different look, with the State Savings Bank building taking up the biggest share of the picture. Gone are the horses, streetcars, and even the old trees…
Today...the same house, with some remodeling, is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Peterson, 624 Oakland Ave. Noticeable differences are in the porch, the addition of a room, at right, and the absence of the stable.
Today...just east of Frank Street, several business houses occupy the Broadway front of the old brewery property. The greatly expanded St. Bernard's Hospital is in the background. Beyond these buildings and across Indian Creek, grading has changed…