Browse Items (8067 total)

Today...some 75 years later, the same building, after a face lifting, houses the Broadway Appliance Co. The old print comes from Mrs. Lillian Riaski, 410 Grace St., granddaughter of the harness man.

Today...with a revamped city water syster [sic] and new plant on North Twenty-fifth St., the Broadway Pumping Station has been sold to private interests and is being dismantled. This picture looking northeast from Thirty-seventh St., just south of…

Today...this three story brick building, now wearing its second front, replaced the old two-story frame building at 546-548 West Broadway, is part of the J.C. Penney Store. The old picture comes from Sam Katelman, owner of the building and…

Today...the scene has changed, and within the week, the new Broadway Viaduct will take on a still different look when the traffic starts rolling over the four lanes. This section of the viaduct covers approximately the same ground shown in the 1950…

Today...about 60 years since the original picture was taken, some major remodeling has been done and a second story floor has been added to the house. Today it is the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Meloy and family.

Today...this is still a busy section of the city. The building at the right has undergone many changes. It now houses Herman's Clothes Shop, the Picky-Nicky Café and Ben Klein Jewelry Store. The next store is occupied by Barnes Beauty Salon. Then…

Today...the old Quaker Baking building has been torn down, just last year the bakery was moved to West Broadway and recently closed. In the meantime the property has been cleared for the next off-street parking lot.

Changing_Scene_1955_9_18_1955_069.jpg the same site is the present Longfellow School which replaced the old Twentieth Avenue building in 1939. It is a modern 23-classroom building plus the auditorium, library, and gym. Immediately following the completion of the present…

Today...the lake is still one of the most popular in Iowa. The north shore where the park, board walk and docks once stood, is now built up to private homes and docks. This picture was taken looking east from the Elks County Club docks. The lake…

Today...The Younkerman Seed Co. is still doing business at the same address, and in somewhat the same building. However, the front and trim were changed many years ago to give it a new look. And modern autos replace the team and wagon at the…

Today...the armory looks like this. A new $185,000 administration and supply building being constructed at right will tie in with the drill hall. The section being built by the Iowa National Guard, with federal aid, will be completed in the summer…

Today...about the only comparison to the 1868 photo is the general shape of the street. Parking meters take the place of the old hitching posts, along with paving and modern buildings. At left center is the IOOF temple.

Today...the house looks like this. It is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Schlott. The lines of the old house have ben changed so much that it bears little resemblance to the original place. In addition to remodeling the house, the Schlotts…

Today...after considerable remodeling in 1950, the Illinois Central station now looks like this. it is now the freight station, since passenger service on the Council Bluffs line has been discontinued. in the background can be seen the Broadway…

Today...the Reorganized Latter Day Saints worship in this beautiful church at Washington Ave. and Elder St. One of the largest churches in the city, it was formally opened in January of 1953. Cost of the blond brick structure, including the lot and…

Today...what a whale of a difference 60 years make. Main St., looking south from Broadway, shows few buildings that were there in the old picture. The change of dress and transportation is obvious.

Today...the same location has taken on a different look. Where the Harris wood lot stood, a fill has been made to bring the playground of Washington School up to the old school, now removed. A part of the new school building shows at left.

Today...the same house, with a modern look. It is now the home of Donald Brooks. The house has different siring [sic], and the fancy trim and fence have been removed.

Today...the park that once was the playground for thousands of Southwest Iowans is now a residential area. This photo looks southeast along the row of cottages that face the north shore of the lake, where the amusement buildings once stood. Only…

Today...this same section of Broadway takes on a much different appearance. Few buildings along the section remain the same. New paving, new street lighting, and new buildings account for the cleaner look. The old watering trough has been moved.
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